So yes..... Are postmen completle utter morons by nature?

Maxon said:
Never had any problems like that, but I get annoyed when they don't tell you when they're going to deliver something.

Lee Evans shares my views. *NSFW*

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Lee Evans is a total legend. :mrgreen:
Postmen will forever be held in a slightly better light then me, after experiencing home delivery network. Amazon use them for some of the "Supersaver" orders...lets just say with them you get what you pay for :lol:

Three failed deliveries, and it was only me spotting the van turn up that allowed me to get my birthday present...the other five or so people who had parcels would have to wait another day...

And that was just one experience- and I've seen far worse horror stories online, and even a petition against them :lol:
Our postman firstly broke our post flap in the door.
secondly the amount of times hes thrown a parcel over the gate and couldn't be bothered to leave a note. and 2 weeks later finds it convenient to leave a brief message on a piece of paper saying theres a parcel over the gate.
thirdly if the parcel says "fragile"l he's considerate and puts it in our bin....
then one morning i was late out for work and i'd just locked the door and turned around and he was there, so i said "i'll take them with me to work, saves you time putting them through the door and the dog mauling them" and got a "no, there's no proof your the recipient so i have to put them through the door"
i replied " im wearing my ID badge which clearly has a picture and my name on it AND you've just seen me lock the door"
he replied "sorry its not enough evidence"

at this point i has getting very angry with him and decided as i was already late for work i might aswell open the frigging door so the prick would stop being such a jerk and have no excuses to waste more of my time.

Luckily for him i haven't been late since so he's avoided a verbal beating
My postman has a habit of putting my parcels in wierd places for instance when my dvds arrived,he decided the best place to put them was balancing on top of our mailbox. :?
My postman in the new place is pretty decent. Nothing to complain, except the fact that he always miss me. Even when I'm home.. :p
the thread returns, great timing too

the original issue has continue to new lows, they now just dump the parcell on the door mat, in plain sight, and don't even leave a message.

nice to know complaining works well

so i have politely worded a letter to stick to my door telling them to atleast put it in the shed and leave a note

btw the word polite may not be true in this case