So... Jetix continue to prove to be the UK's only hope

I remember Tenchi on Cartoon Network, but I am a big fan :p

Didn't Jetix USED to be Fox Kids, so all the shows we used to watch back in the days of Fox Kids are still held by Jetix. Escaflowne was rubbish though, couldn't get into it, and longed for Sci-Fi UK to show Evangelion again, bet no-one remembers that.

It would seem one of the big problems of televising Anime in the UK is the networks can't seem to please everyone!! Anime Central had a good mix of Anime, but people still whinged about it, because it wasn't what they PERSOANLLY wanted to watch. What they didn't realise/take into account, is that someone took the bold step of televising Anime and nothing else.

They showed BOTH series of GITS:SAC, until that point Film4 had only ever show the GITS movie, and that was once and once only...

Film4 seem to play it safe and just televise Miyazaki films now, my little boy like Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle.

Anime still carries this stigma of being animated porn, when a lot of it blatantly isn't, and being in the "nanny state" we roll over to easily when it comes to pressure from on high. Showing animated pr0n to the kids is bas sport old boy...

Makes you think though, maybe if anime hadn't received such bad press in the old days, maybe there'd be more of it on the TV today...
takuhii said:
Didn't Jetix USED to be Fox Kids, so all the shows we used to watch back in the days of Fox Kids are still held by Jetix. Escaflowne was rubbish though, couldn't get into it, and longed for Sci-Fi UK to show Evangelion again, bet no-one remembers that.

I remember that and i also remembered some other shows that Fox Kids ran. Teknoman (original jap name Tekkaman Blade i think) and Shinzo (i did track down the original jap version but have since lost it)
I think Rockworld would like to air more Anime, but apparently they're very strapped for cash right now.
Typical, the only people willing to show Anime are unable, and the people able are unwilling. Such is life. 8)