So, are you a Subber? or a Dubber?

Do you prefer Subtitles or Dubbed Anime?

  • Subtitles: Listen to it the way it was intended

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dubbed: I prefer not having to read so i can watch the action

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The only dub Ive had to switch to sub for is the Hellsing dub, I wish someone would tell other countries were not all posh and generic sounding.
Xelis said:
The only dub Ive had to switch to sub for is the Hellsing dub, I wish someone would tell other countries were not all posh and generic sounding.


We're all incoherent, brutish motherf***ers! :twisted: :lol:
To be honest, I'm completely divided on the matter. For the most parts, I watch anime off the internet in Japanese (well, duh, I have to), and DVDs I buy in Engling, this being the dub. But occasionally the English dub is just too horrible to bear - best example being Stratos4 probably.

One thing is for certain, though. Once I start a series in a certain language, I won't change back, simply because I find myself getting used to the characters. For example, Mahoromatic: I watched the first two episodes off the internet, decided I really liked it and bought the English DVDs. I haven't gottent around to watching them yet, but when I do, it'll be in Japanese with subs.
I prefer sub to dub because of the fact that most dubbed anime is poorley done just look at naruto. The voices dont even match the characters at all.
Pomtry said:
I prefer sub to dub because of the fact that most dubbed anime is poorley done just look at naruto. The voices dont even match the characters at all.

The poor dubbing is merely the icing on the cake for Naruto.

I hate that blonde motherf***er. :lol:
Dub. I can't think of a single reason why I'd want to watch something in another language when English is available.
Aaron said:
Dub. I can't think of a single reason why I'd want to watch something in another language when English is available.

I'm guessing you really don't care what the voices sound like, right?
Sub, because I'm a Japanophile who loves to learn one new word and place it into English sentences.

Honestly though, I prefer dubs, to see how the english version can excel the Japanese, if possible.
Usually, it's Subs > Dubs.
I just feel the Japanese V.A's put more effort in than most English V.A's. Screams more high-pitched and shock sounding, laughs more sinister or over-the-top.
But there are talented Dubbers out ther with the right cast. So it's them who get my undivided attention.
Why are Anime dubbers in a totally different league to normal Voice Overs. I never understood that.

And the reason is they put more effort in it is because being a Japanese anime Voice Over, is more prestigious than just a cover up.
I'll normally start watching shows dubbed, and if the dub is too bad I'll switch to subs. I've even been known to switch back and forth between the two tracks mid series, particularly for ADV dubs. I don't really care which language I watch it in, it's just that watching anime in english is easier, besides watching a series in a language I understand allows me to catch more of the subtlety and emotion in the voice acting.
To be honest, In the past I was always one of those people who could take it either way ( oo-er :shock: ) but for some reason, having started watching something in one language, watching it in the other just felt wrong. :?

These days however, the medication i'm on for my migraines has really screwed up how fast my brain works and I can't really handle subs anymore, they go past faster than I can keep up. :cry: But it's bizzare as this only effects new stuff, anything that I 'used' to watch subbed in the old VHS days, I still can. :?

I do have to say though, that on the whole, the dubbing done during the age of the DVD has been a vast improvement over that done during the age of the VHS, so having to watch dubs dosn't really bother me that much.
I'm mostly someone who will watch subs, i prefer the original japanese voicecast to that of the english dub on most occasions, but there is a few such as Full Metal Panic! and Cowboy Bebop that have brilliant english dubs as well which i will watch.
Overall, I prefer subs given that they're closer to the original show/film.

Then again, there are cases where I've found the dub preferable. 'Ghost in the Shell SAC' is a good example of this. It can also be a good way to watch a series I've become bored of since it lends a different feel and perspective.
I watch anime exactly the same as t how he Japanese do: in my own language! :p The anime creators probably don't intend to see their work covered up with writing. (I'm just trying to be controversial for the sake of it, I don't really care so don't mind me)

I find reading can drag you away from the show itself. You can also give bad shows allowances as your mind's occupied with reading instead of seeing how crappy a show really is. (I love Naruto for example, but watching it dubbed do I realised just how much padding out is done during the fighting and it can get boring quick)

Given the choice I only really watch a dub becuase I'm a lazy sod. But if a show's only available in subs or I'm in a room where others want subs then that's fine too and I'll watch with no complaints...

(Where's the option for 'don't care/both'?)
Ushio said:
I watch anime exactly the same as t how he Japanese do: in my own language :p The anime creators probably don't intend to see their work covered up with writing.

I never thought of it like that. It made me remember a film I saw on C4 several years ago which had worst of all worlds. It was called 'Ludwig' (the mad King of Bavaria who was Wagner's patron) it made in German, dubbed into Italian, with English subtitles against a black background which took away quite a chunk of the bottom of the screen.
i preffere to watch whats goin on not to have to read what they are tlkin about. though sometimes the dubbed versions have really annoyin voices that dont sound right with the character.
The only full shows that i've watched dubbed are FMA and wolfs rain. But they had some of my fave VA's in there anyway '>.>

But I guess i'm just used to downloading the subs now because it's faster to get the next episode. Not waiting like 5 years for it to got to the UK or whatever...'>.>
I'll probably get glares for pointing this out, but I think the reason most people end up voting for subs is simply the fact that most people end up downloading 80% of their anime which is nearly always subbed so they go with that choice. It's not like you're going to see a PS2 owner tell you how much he loves the GameCube even if he doesn't own one. People always go for what they have experienced most, and usually not give the opposite much of a chance as they have already pre-determined which they prefer. That's my two cents, anyhow. I voted subs, because even though sometimes dubs turn out to be more awesome than subs, the majority of the time in my experience the subs are better.