so any news from toei animation europe on sailor moon

Yes, but simmialry if the choice is Madman's properly encoded DVDs in a nice box now or ten years of waiting on the never never of Toei coughing up the BRs then now'd be fine, thanks.
Sailor Moon is the kind of show that'd always sell more on DVD anyway, even if BRs came out at the same time. I'd be happy with good quality DVDs sooner rather than later too, it's silly that one of the most well-recognised franchises in anime is out of print.
Technically speaking half of the 4/5ths that aired the first time we had this song and dance were never IN print over here which makes this even more of a kick in the junk.

Yes,I Know I can import but I can just see the all the balls edition AL could just put out if they'd just play their hand on this one.