Site problems

It was, i contacted chaos not too soon after i checked the site myself and had him check it out. He had to reset the server, but everything seems to be ok now. If any other issues crop up, let me know and i'll pass it on as best i can. Grab me on twitter if need be, but it shouldn't resort to that hah.
Yeah, i wish i caught it sooner as i could have passed the message onto chaos sooner. I got him to sort it last night. If the site goes down and you think it's going to be for a while, do try and contact me. I am more often than not available on twitter(ARX7Laevatein on there) so if it is down for long periods of time fire me a message in case i haven't noticed. I'll pass it onto the big boss asap
And so the site crashed again for quite a while. I managed to access the site and the only recent news was a bot called anime. :lol:
The bot has now been exterminated (along with its friend).

But yeah, site was running slowly for a while and was down completely for most of the weekend ^^;

Thought Chaos might post an update himself but I'm guessing he's busy; so just to let you all know he's confirmed that it was a technical hiccup and things should be back to normal again now.

One suggestion might be limiting the number of Youtube videos on the main page, it seems to slow down the page loading, and in my case make my Firefox browser sluggish when there's more than 10 videos linked.

There's 17 on there now, and it takes my browser about a minute to catch its breath loading them all up.
I don't think it affected the site but it made my work computer cry when I checked there, so it's a very good point! I'll pass your comments along to the folks upstairs :)
