Simulwatch Planning Thread - Suggest & Discuss

Professor Irony

As we've had a good run of successful simulwatch threads over the past few months, I thought it would be worth setting up a dedicated spot for people to suggest shows to watch together and agree on a schedule for them.

To get the ball rolling, @Neil.T suggested Dominion Tank Police as a possibility for the next one after Gunbuster and, as a massive fan, I'm completely down for that.


For anyone not familiar, Dominion is a knockabout sci-fi action comedy from Masamune Shirow, he of Ghost in the Shell fame, set in a future where heavily armed criminals run rings around the law enforcement, and an increasingly desperate government creates a new branch of the police equipped with urban tanks. Sounds serious, but it's played primarily for laughs and, as the two manga series were more or less contemporaneous, often feels like an attempt by Shirow to lampoon his own work on Appleseed.

Dominion is split into two series - an initial four part run from 1988 just known as Dominion Tank Police and a later six episode series from 93 released in English as New Dominion - but as the two together only add up to ten half-hour instalments, I'd like to watch both if possible. Regarding availability, the show isn't legally streamable, but has been released on DVD in the UK, and used copies are widely available for not very much money. As are the VHS tapes, if you're so inclined.

As for schedule, I'm thinking one episode a day starting on September 27th (a week tomorrow at time of writing), but I'm open to counter offers if anyone has plans or whatever.

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Sounds good to me. I've never seen dominion so totally up for that.

I'll be away that weekend so will just catch up and join in from the monday (30th) onwards, and have the Tues off work so will easily have time to do that.
I wouldn't mind seeing Kare Kano at some point, but the stream is geo-locked. The DVDs aren't deadly expensive if you shop around, but I dunno, see what everyone else thinks.
How about some films? Akira and both GitS films are now on Funimation. Although apart from a handful on Amazon and Netflix there aren't that many other stand alone films streaming, so would have to rely on people owning them. Such as a Ghibli, Kon or Hosoda simulwatch.
As for schedule, I'm thinking one episode a day starting on September 27th
Sounds good to me. That'd allow the series to finish in plenty of time for Scotland Loves Anime. 👍

Keeping with the Gainax theme I'd say a Gurren Lagann simulwatch would be pretty good fun.
I would've suggested that myself, but I'm hopelessly biased on that count! 😄

I'd absolutely join in for that. I'm a big fan of the pair of films, so it'd be great if they could be included as well, and perhaps even the Parallel Works bonus shorts?

Another idea of mine would be Macross Plus, taking in the four episodes plus the movie. I know @ActionFaust watched that only fairly recently, though. Perhaps a future possibility?

(I know @WMD only recently watched Gurren Lagann also.)

Kare Kano, I don't have access to, but I would read the thread if there was one. 🙂

And as a big Satoshi Kon fan, a sequence involving Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paranoia Agent and Paprika would be fantastic.

Hosoda would be interesting, too, and my arm could perhaps even be twisted into following a bit of a Ghiblithon.
Another idea of mine would be Macross Plus, taking in the four episodes plus the movie. I know @ActionFaust watched that only fairly recently, though. Perhaps a future possibility?
I'd definitely be up for a rewatch. It's my 2nd favourite instalment so far after Macross Frontier.

A rewatch of Gurren Lagann would finally get me to watch the English dub too.
Now that Dominion has been brought up I would like to watch it as I've never seen it before.

Kare kano sounds interesting but having had a look there doesn't seem to be a way I could watch it ☹ I dont know if anyone has any suggestions.

I'll have a look around for Macross. If I can find it then yeah I'd be up for it.

It's been years since I watched Paranoia Agent so would definitely be up for that.

Sumner Wars and Girl who leapt through time are 2 of my favourite films so a Hosoda watch would would be fun.

Akira and GITS are great so always up for those. GITS was the first anime I watched incidentally.

If a Gurren watch happened I'd probably just follow the conversation as my general to watch pile is pretty massive at the moment anyway so there are other new things I wana watch over that for the moment.
In terms of some extra suggestions. Some other shows I've not seen in years but would be up for rewatching include:

Read or Die
Rumbling Hearts
She the Ultimate Weapon

Otherwise the older OVA type stuff I've never seen and probably never heard of, if I can find a way to watch, I'd always give a go.
If people don't own a physical copy of Akira, then there's something wrong 😩
Never know with kids these days 😜
It is a 30 year old film! It's 13th most popular film (in terms of number of people with it on their list) on MAL (196th overall) behind 3 Shinkai's, a couple of Hosoda's, A Silent Voice, GitS,
Hotarubi no Mori e and 4 Ghiblis.
Never know with kids these days 😜
It is a 30 year old film! It's 13th most popular film (in terms of number of people with it on their list) on MAL (196th overall) behind 3 Shinkai's, a couple of Hosoda's, A Silent Voice, GitS,
Hotarubi no Mori e and 4 Ghiblis.
I know, kids these days with their streaming. Didn't even have tinterwebs when I first bought Akira 😅
After Star Wars, Akira is the movie I've bought the most on various formats.
I think PTE one upped them with the Hellshake Yano skit though.
That skit was legit one of my favourite parts of the whole show. 😅👍

In terms of some extra suggestions. Some other shows I've not seen in years but would be up for rewatching include:

Read or Die
Rumbling Hearts
She the Ultimate Weapon
Oh! 😮
Read or Die, I'm very partial to. I'd like an excuse to watch that again. Texhnolyze, on the other hand...
*runs several million miles very fast in the opposite direction *

(I bloody hated Texhnolyze. 😅)

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