Silly reviewers

sanji no 1

Vampire Ninja
Before i begin my topic i want to apoligize for the attitude for this topic. Some people might find this topic affensive.

I have been looking at alot of reviews on this website. Iam glad that they speak there mind but i think you reviewers on this website over exadgerate a bit. You give the good anime bad comments and bad anime good comments. For example: You gave Samurai 7 6s and 5s out of 10. Was it really that bad? I actually think its good. It deserves a 8 or 7. Not a pitiful 5 or 6. Also you gave Bleach a 8. Is it that good to you? I think it diserves a 7 or 7.5. Not an 8. You gave Cowboy Bebop a 10 for petes sake! Street Fighter alpha generations diseverd that 10. Not Cowboy Bebop. Street fighter alpha generations only got a 7! ARE YOU NUTS!?!?!?!?! That film is Amazing with Akuma fighting Ryu. Also you didnt review Guyver: bioboosted armour when that anime WAS IN THE TOP 10 UK ANIME CHARTS!!! HOW COULD YOU NOT REVIEW THAT!? But the worst thing i sore was you gave Inuyasha an 8 out of 10. ARE YOU VIOLENTLY INSANE!?!?!?!?!?!?! Inuyasha has the most annoying characters ever and they all look the same!. AND IT GETS AN 8?! AND THEY ONLY RELEASED 1 DVD OVER HERE! Just 1! and it gets an 8? but then again it is your opinion.

I really really aploigize for those who have been affened by this. Sorry. I just wanted to say my mind. But i think that the reviewers should think a little more carefully when they wright reviews.

Thanks for reading :D
It's a general opinion.

Obviously, a lot of people (including myself) think highly of Cowboy Be-bop, therefor it got a very high rating.
I don't like InuYasha, I've seen quite a bit of it and decided my opinion, if it got an 8 then generally quite a few people liked the first few episodes, which is very normal for a series, the first arc/season/whatever can be very good but then get repetitive, from a review of the first disc would they make a general judgement from just a few episodes? (I know I couldn't)

The same goes for Bleach, now I don't watch the anime, but for me, I loved the first 10ish volumes, after that it went downhill for me. The first 10 volumes I would rate very high, but generally afterwards, a poor rating. It did take me more than just volume one for me to decide if I liked it or not, which in this case, no I don't really like it, but it took 10 volumes to realise 'Oh, it's not that great really' ..or something, I'm not getting my point across very well (haksjdhbas too many people bloody yelling here > : ( ).
...How about ..The whole bleach story that is going on, didn't start until about ..volume 7? Volume 1-6 were just the introduction, and I was along for the ride, it was fun, but then once it really started I didn't like it.
So in relation to this 'Inuyasha disc 1 got an 8?!?!', sure people like the start, but it might drop later on when the story gets more into it?

(I seriously suck at explaining anything 8( ..Which is why I don't do it often)

(Sorry, but I just have to give my two cents about that InuYasha comment).

But it is all about opinions.
I guess I ought to jump in here and explain my stance on the issue.

Yes, opinion obviously comes into it. The whole point of a serious review though is to back up the opinions with reasons, otherwise what you're saying doesn't carry any weight.

Giving x/10 scores is something we've been doing here since forever but I (and I hopefully speak for Paul and the rest of the team here) find that this is far from ideal - a simple numerical figure isn't, and shouldn't, be seen as the be-all and end-all of the review. As with the final summary paragraph(s), it's part of the review and should be taken as a guide compared with the rest of the series, similar shows/movies, etc.

As for not reviewing Guyver, chances are none of we (the reviewers) have seen it yet, pure and simple. I haven't, but will review it when I have, assuming nobody else has done so already. When or whether we review something depends on whether we've watched it, not necessarily how popular it is.

I'm not offended or anything, don't worry - it's actually helpful to hear people's criticisms and views. Maybe this topic should be moved to the feedback forum or something...?
Number scores mean nothing to me...I think in words, not figures.

Why should I care what shows/games/movies/CDs get a 6 and what gets a 7? What's the difference between 78% and 79%? I care more about what's good and bad about whatever the subject is than an overall number or...stars or Ks or some crap.

As long as a review doesn't just tell me what the series is about, and actually goes into WHY it's good or bad, the number at the end makes no difference.

The idea that anything could be perfect enough to get a full score is ridiculous anyway.
A lot has been said already.

A review on a mainstream website has to cater for people in general. If you did reviews on your own personal opinion then people would just think what is this person on.. i.e if you gave Cowboy Bebop a 5 then it wouldn't work, even though many people would rate it that.
Paul said:
Favoritism in what way?

didn't mean Favoritism in that kind of way, but there is no way any series should be given a 10 from an unbiased point of view. Even in the video game world there is no such thing as a 100% game, i'd agree with a 9.8 for something like Bebop as even though i dislike it, i'd admit it is a real classic but even bebop does have it's "could of been better" moments.

But still i don't think the reviews here are perticually biased at all, it's, just as said before, just down to your own personal point of view
Doberman Pharaoh said:
It's all about opinions.

End of topic.

I'll second that. Generally I think the reviews are fair and well judged. Even when they do miss the mark it's never by too much. One person's Urotsukidōji is another person's Akira (and yes I'm aware of the ironic subjectivity of this statement :lol: ), opinion will always be a factor. Accept it and move on.

Ryo Chan said:
didn't mean Favoritism in that kind of way, but there is no way any series should be given a 10 from an unbiased point of view. Even in the video game world there is no such thing as a 100% game, i'd agree with a 9.8 for something like Bebop as even though i dislike it, i'd admit it is a real classic but even bebop does have it's "could of been better" moments.

Why even have a 1-10 rating if your not going to use them all? A 10 doesn't literally mean a perfect film/series, it's like 5 stars. It simply means it's in the top category I suppose.
sanji no 1 said:
Before i begin my topic i want to apoligize for the attitude for this topic. Some people might find this topic affensive.

I have been looking at alot of reviews on this website. Iam glad that they speak there mind but i think you reviewers on this website over exadgerate a bit. You give the good anime bad comments and bad anime good comments. For example: You gave Samurai 7 6s and 5s out of 10. Was it really that bad? I actually think its good. It deserves a 8 or 7. Not a pitiful 5 or 6. Also you gave Bleach a 8. Is it that good to you? I think it diserves a 7 or 7.5. Not an 8. You gave Cowboy Bebop a 10 for petes sake! Street Fighter alpha generations diseverd that 10. Not Cowboy Bebop. Street fighter alpha generations only got a 7! ARE YOU NUTS!?!?!?!?! That film is Amazing with Akuma fighting Ryu. Also you didnt review Guyver: bioboosted armour when that anime WAS IN THE TOP 10 UK ANIME CHARTS!!! HOW COULD YOU NOT REVIEW THAT!? But the worst thing i sore was you gave Inuyasha an 8 out of 10. ARE YOU VIOLENTLY INSANE!?!?!?!?!?!?! Inuyasha has the most annoying characters ever and they all look the same!. AND IT GETS AN 8?! AND THEY ONLY RELEASED 1 DVD OVER HERE! Just 1! and it gets an 8? but then again it is your opinion.

I really really aploigize for those who have been affened by this. Sorry. I just wanted to say my mind. But i think that the reviewers should think a little more carefully when they wright reviews.

Thanks for reading :D

You cannot spell.
What a post from sanji no 1, could you do a more stereotypical Inernet nerd arguing about a review of his favourite film/game/anime. "I think it deserves a 7 or 7.5 not an 8".

Personally sanji no 1, I think it deserved a score of 7.411692 out of 10 but there you go.

Edited to get the names right, sorry Espy!
Mantis said:
What a post from Espy, could you do a more stereotypical Inernet nerd arguing about a review of his favourite film/game/anime. "I think it deserves a 7 or 7.5 not an 8".

Personally Epsy, I think it deserved a score of 7.411692 out of 10 but there you go.

am i missing something? or is "i can not spell" really a secret code about a review? Cause that's all he's said :D
Reviews are always going to be biased by the writer's opinions; they can't grade things to accommodate every single reader's tastes. I for example have weird taste and therefore deliberately avoid things graded very high by certain reviewers as it is a hint that I'll probably hate the show. A lot of my favourites have never received more than average grades. Big deal, I still love 'em :)

For example, if I was to review Gravitation I might score it quite high for the BL elements, music, ridiculousness and Touma. If you don't like BL or music or stupid shows, you'd be shocked by me giving it an 8+, but you wouldn't really be going into the review with the right mindset. If I see a reviewer with a bishoujo avatar post feelings on a moe series, I automatically assume their review opinions will be meaningless to me and just skim for the impartial technical details.

It's already been said and its true, it's all about personal opinions and preferences which your post iinadvertently proves. If you don't like someone elses views then give your own. End of.
I don't think the 10/10 score is supposed to indicate perfection in the mathematical sense, but it's the best way for us to point out and celebrate objective quality, regardless of our own subjective tastes. If I can remember correctly, there are perhaps only three anime reviews on AUKN with this rating:

Akira. Cowboy Bebop. Grave of the Fireflies. In particular, I think I could show Grave of the Fireflies to almost anyone and force a strong reaction (good or bad). The same can't be said for something like, say, FLCL, which I enjoyed immensely, but understand that it won't work for nearly as many people as Cowboy Bebop. Indeed, there's no such thing as a mathematically perfect story that will work for everyone, but even if you don't like the anime I've mentioned above, you will have to acknowledge that it's world-class film making in certain aspects, like how Akira remains the absolute pinnacle of Japanese animation (in the literal sense of 'animation', not the 'genre'). Put simply, Grave of the Fireflies is far from being my favourite anime, but taking all of the above into consideration, I rate it objectively as the greatest anime ever made.

As for sanji no 1's argument, he's essentially questioning our taste in anime. Like everyone else has said, it ultimately comes down to the reviewer's perspective. The guys and girls that write our reviews aren't there because we've decided that they have "elite taste" in anime; rather it's because they are great writers capable of expressing their opinions in a literate and eloquent manner. If any of you guys want to get involved, just send me a review and I'll tell you whether or not it's good enough to get published on the site. We haven't reviewed The Guyver because ADV hasn't sent it to us; we get sent a lot of anime screeners (I feel sorry for my postie) and reviewing those takes priority.
Well as i said before, the final review is fine aslong as you get the option to hear what other fans think, and not just the reviewer.

This is something i'm happy to say AUKN does even if it's not used too oftern, so the way i see it, even if you don't agree with a reviewers post, it's easy enough to post your own view so others can read, so in essence, i don't see any real problem with the systerm.
sanji no 1 said:
Hey epsy! why you saying i cant spell? You mug! And why are you checking for spelling mistakes anyway? You loser!

I would like to thank you for your lovely shoutbox comments. I would consider it bordering on flaming, if not flaming, so I wouldn't go any further.

As for "checking for spelling mistakes", it wasn't more the case that I was on the lookout for someone's typos, rather I had to try and translate your post into English before reading it.

I know it's harsh. But you asked for it...
i guess i did go over board with the shoutbox comment. so iam sorry for that. but dont write things like i cant spell cause i find it offensive