Satoshi Kon in 4 days (ad-hoc simulwatch optional)


Death Scythe
I have 2 days off work at the start of next week so I've decided I'm going to try and watch all 4 Satoshi Kon films in the next 4 days. Hopefully this doesn't break any forum rules.

Having never watched any of them, I understand they are very good/interesting. Will I enjoy them? Hopefully. Will I get to the end? if I can't I'll be disappointed in myself.

I'll come back here and post some thoughts and things each day, it's short notice but if people haven't seen them or want to re-watch them with me then the more the merrier! If no other watchers I'll just post what I think anyway :)

FilmYear of ReleaseWatch Date
Perfect Blue199720/03/2021
Millennium Actress200121/03/2021
Tokyo Godfathers200322/03/2021

Chances are that I'll watch each film in the evening UK time, because I won't have any outside ambient light and I can switch the lights down. I'll avoid popping back in here until I've seen the next film in the sequence as to avoid spoiling them for myself. I expect to post quite late about each film, probably around 10PM or so.
Interesting, will see if I can join in a bit. Though, I'll skip Tokyo Godfathers as that's quite a Christmas movie, isn't it? Paprika I've actually watched for the first time only a couple of weeks ago, so I can definitely chime in even without rewatching.

As an aside, I actually found Satoshi Kon's manga Opus quite an interesting read as well.
Interesting, will see if I can join in a bit. Though, I'll skip Tokyo Godfathers as that's quite a Christmas movie, isn't it? Paprika I've actually watched for the first time only a couple of weeks ago, so I can definitely chime in even without rewatching.

As an aside, I actually found Satoshi Kon's manga Opus quite an interesting read as well.

No problem at all, drop in or out for any of them, or just to post!

I wasn't aware tokyo was Christmas themed but I'll still watch it out of season. After all it's only 9 months until Christmas!
No problem at all, drop in or out for any of them, or just to post!

I wasn't aware tokyo was Christmas themed but I'll still watch it out of season. After all it's only 9 months until Christmas!

You could watch it with a bunch of seasonally themed snacks of the type that the various chocolate, biscuit and cake companies are always coming up with at Xmas time (such as the recently introduced Winter Spice Flavour Twix), throw in some Easter treats too, can't have a movie night without those hot cross bun flavoured digestive biscuit something or anothers now can we? :p
You could watch it with a bunch of seasonally themed snacks of the type that the various chocolate, biscuit and cake companies are always coming up with at Xmas time (such as the recently introduced Winter Spice Flavour Twix), throw in some Easter treats too, can't have a movie night without those hot cross bun flavoured digestive biscuit something or anothers now can we? :p

Being careful not to overeat too much atm, don't want to put on extra weight! 😔

Good idea though, wish I could eat whatever I wanted and it was 0 calories!
Being careful not to overeat too much atm, don't want to put on extra weight! 😔

Good idea though, wish I could eat whatever I wanted and it was 0 calories!

I'm sorry, I hope I wasn't unwittingly tempting you! Best of luck with it, I'm diabetic so I can't have many sweet snacks these days either sadly. I was more making a joke out of how silly the number of new seasonal snacks they come up with every year is XP I'm fat but not trying to lose weight I just try and focus on staying healthy by weight neutral measures. I hope you enjoy your Satoshi Kon marathon, they are all great films IMO (well OK tbh I'm not a big fan of Paprika but the other ones are fantastic) :)
I'm sorry, I hope I wasn't unwittingly tempting you! Best of luck with it, I'm diabetic so I can't have many sweet snacks these days either sadly. I was more making a joke out of how silly the number of new seasonal snacks they come up with every year is XP I'm fat but not trying to lose weight I just try and focus on staying healthy by weight neutral measures. I hope you enjoy your Satoshi Kon marathon, they are all great films IMO (well OK tbh I'm not a big fan of Paprika but the other ones are fantastic) :)

No worries, I'm trying to stop becoming fat, lockdown hasn't helped much in that regard! 🤣

I'll probably have a beer or two whilst watching them though!
if people haven't seen them or want to re-watch them with me then the more the merrier!
I haven't watched my Millennium Actress Blu-ray yet, so I'll definitely join you for that one. Kon's my favourite director, so I know his films well enough to be able to take part in the chat. I'll be looking forward as always to reading everyone's thoughts and opinions.

There was a simulwatch of Kon's films here last year alongside the unrelated MVM series Serial Experiments Lain. Here's the thread for it if anyone would be interested in reading some more impressions of them (after seeing the films, of course):

As an aside, I actually found Satoshi Kon's manga Opus quite an interesting read as well.
How much would you recommend it? I'd read that it was left unfinished, but that MAL page says: The manga had been axed due to the cancellation of its publishing magazine. A missing end chapter to Opus was found after Kon's death.

Is the end chapter complete? And do you know if it's all Kon's own work?

Winter Spice Flavour Twix
Heh, I've had those too. 😋

hot cross bun flavoured digestive biscuit
Wow, what next! 😆

I had the Christmas pudding-flavour ones last year. They were good. 😅
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Hopefully this doesn't break any forum rules.
You're such a rebel!
Interesting, will see if I can join in a bit. Though, I'll skip Tokyo Godfathers as that's quite a Christmas movie, isn't it? Paprika I've actually watched for the first time only a couple of weeks ago, so I can definitely chime in even without rewatching.

As an aside, I actually found Satoshi Kon's manga Opus quite an interesting read as well.
I'd forgotten about Opus, nice one, added to my track-down-at-some-point list.

I'll try chiming in but will also probably skip Tokyo Godfathers as that's now over in my Christmas watchlist heh and I saw Millennium Actress only recently, but probably will still watch again as possible.
You could watch it with a bunch of seasonally themed snacks of the type that the various chocolate, biscuit and cake companies are always coming up with at Xmas time (such as the recently introduced Winter Spice Flavour Twix), throw in some Easter treats too, can't have a movie night without those hot cross bun flavoured digestive biscuit something or anothers now can we? :p
Also if you really want the authentic feel then make sure you watch ten perfume adverts and listen to/purchase at least one X factor single before the movie (forget about the tree, what's that now?)
I haven't watch my Millennium Actress
That's my favourite Kon movie! Would be very interesting to have everyone's thoughts on it.
I saw Godfathers recently, but I also need an excuse to watch my 4K Millenium Actress so I'll try and remember to join you for that!

I'll try and @ you in here after I post Perfect Blue tomorrow to remind you it's the next day!

Likewise, but my masterplan to get a PS5 failed, so will be sticking to the blu ray (still an upgrade from my dvd heh)

And also you 🙂

I think it was a 4K version but not HDR, should look a bit nicer but 1080p is still good.
How much would you recommend it? I'd read that it was left unfinished, but that MAL page says: The manga had been axed due to the cancellation of its publishing magazine. A missing end chapter to Opus was found after Kon's death.

Is the end chapter complete? And do you know if it's all Kon's own work?
I found it interesting, but not particularly great. I'm never too found of works where the artist depicts a main character of the same craft, so that didn't help. It does play with blurring the line between fiction and reality, but not really to the extent you'd hope. The story however was gripping and even the fictional manga in the story is fleshed out enough that you'd almost believe it's an actual manga. Art was also solid throughout.

But, as you quoted, it was never finished. The story is incomplete, even with the "end chapter" added. But without going into details, the work felt a bit more complete with it included.

And that makes it hard for me to fully recommend. I liked the meta elements of it, but the "surface level" story was simply too straightforward that it begs a proper conclusion. Had it been a tad more meta (or went in that direction) the inconclusiveness might've actually helped to let the reader go back and reflect/figure things out, but now it just leaves you hanging.

I honestly think most people will be a bit disappointed after reading it. I was a bit as well, but slowly started appreciating the interesting things it did present. So if you think you can look past the incompleteness and can pick it up for a decent price, I'd say go for it. Otherwise there's no shame in giving this one a pass.
I honestly think most people will be a bit disappointed after reading it. I was a bit as well, but slowly started appreciating the interesting things it did present. So if you think you can look past the incompleteness and can pick it up for a decent price, I'd say go for it. Otherwise there's no shame in giving this one a pass.
Thanks very much for the honest assessment, Lynx.

Being a Kon fan, I've been aware of the manga for some years now, but I've always felt a kind of reluctance towards approaching it. I think I'll perhaps leave it on the back burner and instead just look forward to that CE of Paranoia Agent for the time being.

As I say, many thanks. 👍
@Vashdaman because I know he's wanted to watch Perfect Blue and this would be a nice opportunity if he's able.
I'm just in time! I'll try to watch Perfect Blue tonight if I can!
I also do have Tokyo Godfathers, and also Millenium Actress but that DVD seems to have hidden itself from me recently (I've never seen it too!) but I'll have a look again!
Looking forward to this!