Episode 1
"Digging tunnels. Day after day, that's my job."
And so Simon's story begins. (Well, it technically began with the prologue that came before, but let's ignore that bit for the time being.

This is my fourth time watching
Gurren Lagann, and, a bit like ayase, the thing that immediately strikes me again is the energy and vitality of it. Just hearing the opening song playing on the menu screen got me hyped for what I was about to see. Lordhippos and
@Loris speak the truth!
And yes, it's bloody hard to watch only one episode. I know this because I watched episode 1 yesterday... along with episode 2.
I have failed at simulwatching already.
I really do like Lagann's visual style a lot and my first impression of seeing it in HD just had me grinning.
I forgot just how fast everything happened at the start here, but the pace actually feels fine even given its breakneck speed. Love seeing Simon grin as he gets his first taste of real excitement, risk taking and victory; a huge part of the appeal of this show is how it revels in the human desire to go further, do better and overcome
Yeah, it's just an undiluted joy, isn't it? I absolutely love the visual style as well; it's the work of Shigeto Koyama, who would go on to design for the likes of
Darling in the FranXX and
Evangelion's Rebuild films, and it clearly influenced Sushio's character designs for
Kill la Kill.
Speaking of which...
It reminds me a lot Kill La Kill, which I didn't like
I group KLK and GL together thematically, if you like one I think you'd like the other, although I also think the opposite is true.
I agree with Lordhippos here. I really do think that if you don't like
Kill la Kill, there's probably nothing for you here. (Similarly, ayase, I reckon you might just like the show, and it's on the list of simulwatch suggestions.)
I do agree with Geriatric hedgehog, though, that it might be worth sticking with
GL until episode 8 or 9 to see the full range of what it has to offer, awadama. And while we're at it...
Kamina is really really irritating ... I wouldn't mind if he got killed off soon
Dude, you watch pro wrestling!

Surely that's got more bluster and showmanship than our Kamina!
(And careful what you wish for, man.

Poor Simon would be lost without him.)
I don't remember the section in space they showed at the start at all from my previous watch

To me it doesn't place quite as well as KLK,
I was deeply disappointed in Promare
I'll take these together.
I saw
Kill la Kill first, and I rated it the full 10 on MAL. Then I saw
Gurren Lagann the following year and gave it 9. Comparison is something that would make a very interesting topic after a potential
KlaK simulwatch. (That's my preferred shorthand title for it.

Promare... Don't get me wrong: I like
Promare. But, as I think I've written somewhere here before, there are a lot of people who seem to like
Promare much more than I do.
Last couple of things from me for now:
I get there being stuff people can't stand in anime, I'm the same. One example would be fake kawaii (high-pitch voiced, unrealistically innocent characters annoy me deeply)
Same. Moe is
really not my thing in anime.
I love the artwork on the Zaavi CE in particular - that would be my dream edition if I could nab one. By the way, if you any of you have that, would you be kind enough to share some photos please?
Here's Anime Limited's unboxing article of it from their blog for you:
I think there is an artbook with the UE
There's an artbook by publisher Udon as well, which I'm lucky enough to own a copy of. Here's a link to this site that reviews artbooks. It has some pictures and a full flick-through in the video underneath them: