Romantic anime - comparisons with real-life romance

I wish infactuation and romantic gestures like in anime did transfer to real life *sigh*
I wish the sustained interest and commitment in some animes transferred to real life too. Some men tend to like their eggs in a few baskets, like the attention of one girl isn't enough at times. Bleh :p
I think love triangles seem to happen a lot in anime. Thankfully in real life I've not really been apart of many haha, that's one thing I wouldn't really want transferred hehe :p

Isaac and Miria are one of my favourite couples, are are Spike and Julia. They're probably the "more realistic" couples I've seen in anime. I could probably throw some others out too, if I could think of them right now :(
-Danielle- said:
I wish infactuation and romantic gestures like in anime did transfer to real life *sigh*
It would be a hell of a lot easier to pick up on signs that someone likes you if they were xD
Re: Your viewing journal

Interesting discussion (well, the bits that actually brought comparisons from anime into it). Is there any less validity to a show based on an image of relationships as opposed to one that draws from real experiences? Both are ultimately strong displays of "what makes us human" imo, I think it ultimately comes down to execution of the ideas rather than the ideas themselves.

Rui said:
I find it interesting If anything, having had real life experience of relationships only makes this stronger, since I have actually had real people complain about me picking someone else when they were more worthy and loved me more ^^;; eww.
The Struggle Is Real. :p

GolGotha said:
As the great Miyamoto Shigeru once said 'So you know cats are interesting. They are kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you it's great. But if you try to talk to them it doesn't always go so well.'
Haha, this is excellent.

Lawrence said:
For men, there are far more fulfilling things than romantic relationships; like moe anime. The girls are way cuter
Lawro knows, he is wise beyond his years.
For what it's worth, when I was 16 I had no idea one of my classmates fancied me till he grabbed me one lunchtime and snogged me. I really was that oblivious.
st_owly said:
For what it's worth, when I was 16 I had no idea one of my classmates fancied me till he grabbed me one lunchtime and snogged me. I really was that oblivious.

And he just kissed you out of the should of slapped him and said........I'm not easy