Romantic anime - comparisons with real-life romance

Re: Your viewing journal

Rui said:
From his perspective though, st_owly's control freak probably thought that he was being caring and protective. It just manifested as domineering emotional abuse. These guys (and girls) who act in a bad way don't usually realise that they're doing it - they think they're being loving and can't see how it comes across to everyone else. Conversely sometimes a relationship can look terrible from the outside but be warm and loving within; it's popular for people to crack jokes about how the 'other half' holds them back or dictates the rules, but people who say those things aren't always in an an abusive situation. The only two people who understand any given romantic relationship are the ones who are in it.


That's exactly it. He did think he was being caring, and so did I, while it was happening. He still does even to this day, and won't accept that he manipulated me and it was wrong. I don't believe anything he did was malicious and to hurt me though. It took 2 outsiders to make me see that it was manipulation and get me out of it, one of whom I'm now going out with and very happy with.

I wouldn't go out with anyone just because they were a childhood friend, however much they professed to be madly in love with me. If I'm not interested, then no chance.
Re: Your viewing journal

st_owly said:
Rui said:
From his perspective though, st_owly's control freak probably thought that he was being caring and protective. It just manifested as domineering emotional abuse. These guys (and girls) who act in a bad way don't usually realise that they're doing it - they think they're being loving and can't see how it comes across to everyone else. Conversely sometimes a relationship can look terrible from the outside but be warm and loving within; it's popular for people to crack jokes about how the 'other half' holds them back or dictates the rules, but people who say those things aren't always in an an abusive situation. The only two people who understand any given romantic relationship are the ones who are in it.


That's exactly it. He did think he was being caring, and so did I, while it was happening. He still does even to this day, and won't accept that he manipulated me and it was wrong. I don't believe anything he did was malicious and to hurt me though. It took 2 outsiders to make me see that it was manipulation and get me out of it, one of whom I'm now going out with and very happy with.

I wouldn't go out with anyone just because they were a childhood friend, however much they professed to be madly in love with me. If I'm not interested, then no chance.

I get that but would you give them a chance and if it didn't work out then brake up with them cause I heard people do that in real life ...........

Will you go out with me
..........ummmmm ok lets try it

I saw this in clannad with the special episode with the twins
Nope. If I'm not interested in someone I wouldn't go out with them for any reason. Going out with someone just because you feel sorry for them is probably one of the most horrible things you can do to someone. It's like saying you're not taking their feelings seriously. And if it didn't work out you would most likely totally ruin your friendship.
st_owly said:
Nope. If I'm not interested in someone I wouldn't go out with them for any reason. Going out with someone just because you feel sorry for them is probably one of the most horrible things you can do to someone. It's like saying you're not taking their feelings seriously. And if it didn't work out you would most likely totally ruin your friendship.

But wouldn't trying work, it's like how the saying don't know til you try
No, it wouldn't. As I said, going out with someone because you feel sorry for them is horrible and says you're not taking their feelings seriously. It's disrespectful as well. Would you really want to be going out with someone just because they felt sorry for you? I sure as hell wouldn't. And besides, if I don't feel a romantic connection to someone, then I couldn't be in a relationship with them. It'd just feel wrong.
st_owly said:
No, it wouldn't. As I said, going out with someone because you feel sorry for them is horrible and says you're not taking their feelings seriously. It's disrespectful as well. Would you really want to be going out with someone just because they felt sorry for you? I sure as hell wouldn't. And besides, if I don't feel a romantic connection to someone, then I couldn't be in a relationship with them. It'd just feel wrong.

No no I don't mean by feeling sorry for them just go out with them ......but what if they guy doesn't know his feelings for her and says .....ok let's go out, and not because he feels sorry for her but he himself is confused about his feelings for her
That's a different situation entirely. I still wouldn't get into a relationship with someone who I wasn't sure if I liked or not, but I'd be prepared to go on a few dates or something and see if anything developed, then if it did for both of us, go out with them.

FWIW - I had 2 friends who got together because a friend of one of them asked if they were going out and they said "sure, why not?" I ended up having to break them up for their own good because one of them hates romantic relationships and physical contact, and was too scared to break up with the other, who by this point who'd got it into her head that they were going to be together forever and were madly in love. Except she was being hurt by the other one's lack of affection, and ultimately wanted more than the other was prepared to give her. They're friends again, but you can sense the tension between them when they're in the same room.
st_owly said:
That's a different situation entirely. I still wouldn't get into a relationship with someone who I wasn't sure if I liked or not, but I'd be prepared to go on a few dates or something and see if anything developed, then if it did for both of us, go out with them.

There ya go that's what I mean.......wait I just realised people go out with each other in situations like this................I'm so dense lol.

Well since I'm inexperienced with relationships maybe you can tell me what people do in relationships.............

What do girls like and do and what do they like from there men................I'm not asking for your private life relationships I'm just asking in your experience in a good relationship.

I'm totally in the dark on this, believe it or not I was asked out a couple of times but turned them down.......they wasn't ugly or anything i just don't have the confidence.
st_owly said:
That's a different situation entirely. I still wouldn't get into a relationship with someone who I wasn't sure if I liked or not, but I'd be prepared to go on a few dates or something and see if anything developed, then if it did for both of us, go out with them.

FWIW - I had 2 friends who got together because a friend of one of them asked if they were going out and they said "sure, why not?" I ended up having to break them up for their own good because one of them hates romantic relationships and physical contact, and was too scared to break up with the other, who by this point who'd got it into her head that they were going to be together forever and were madly in love. Except she was being hurt by the other one's lack of affection, and ultimately wanted more than the other was prepared to give her. They're friends again, but you can sense the tension between them when they're in the same room.

o_O man talk about a awkward situation, .........the force is strong in this
As the great Miyamoto Shigeru once said 'So you know cats are interesting. They are kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you it's great. But if you try to talk to them it doesn't always go so well.'

I want to be treated like a cat, for example, if you can see a cat is pissed off, you leave it the hell alone. With people, if someone sees their friends being angry then tend to get involved, now this alone isn't a bad thing, but when people repeatedly try and 'motivate' you, even if you ask to be left alone....then it gets rather frustrating.
GolGotha said:
As the great Miyamoto Shigeru once said 'So you know cats are interesting. They are kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you it's great. But if you try to talk to them it doesn't always go so well.'

I want to be treated like a cat, for example, if you can see a cat is pissed off, you leave it the hell alone. With people, if someone sees their friends being angry then tend to get involved, now this alone isn't a bad thing, but when people repeatedly try and 'motivate' you, even if you ask to be left alone....then it gets rather frustrating.

Sounds about right,
To get the ball rolling again.....Do you think the creators might not know what there talking about when it comes to relationships or do you think they know what there talking about because there in a relationship
I probably be dead before I ever have a relationship with another human being.

I'm not really a romantic creatures are born we eat, sleep, crap, reproduce and die and that's it, why do I believe this......because I'm a but In al.seriousness I doubt I'll ever have one,

I wouldn't mind having loads of girl friends tho .......or just 2 preferably twin women ......hold on I'm going for a cold shower.

I was joking
Don't knock yourself AF17, you managed to start a conversation which got you surrounded by women even here (j/k). But seriously, it's good that you're questioning things. A lot of people would just rage if their views on romance were questioned without listening to the other side of things at all.

I think that asking the question "What do girls like and do and what do they like from their men" will get you a different answer from each person you ask. Personally I value the same things that many guys do in girls - freedom to do what I want and a strong bond of trust.

Going back to anime (yay!) the amount of romantic experience needed to write a shounen romantic comedy is probably very different from that needed to create a josei romantic drama. As Lawrence said, everyone has some experience of relationships even if they haven't enjoyed a romance themselves yet. When it comes to shounen/shoujo titles, crafting a fun story is more important than writing a plausible romance and anyone with a knack for telling a good tale can do it.

Titles like Tenchi Muyou!, I"s and Fushigi Yuugi are more like over-the-top wish fulfilment than realistic depictions of love (I like them regardless). A list of shows which I think realistically depict love - at least from my limited experience as an individual - could include Natsuyuki Rendezvous and anything Yazawa Ai had a hand in.

Romance and me don't get along........but that doesn't stop me from being curious, I don't rage about things I give my opinion.............buuuuuuut if it's a subject like shiki or super man vs goku or a character I like but don't like the other characters like kikiyo and kogome from inuyasha depends on the subject really .........or what girl the main lead should go with ........I'm a childhood friend supporter.

Now that's what I like....a woman who wants to be free to do what she wants and not be bonded to trust is important too.

Romeo and Juliet was a great play and of my favs

I hate romance anime.........buuuuuuut I have one or two which are my favs

Romeo and Juliet
Clannad/ kanon......Do these count?

One thing that reallllllllllllly gets on my nerves with romance in anime is that if there's a good story or a good scenario like HOTD and there's girls who likes the main guy and while I'm trying to enjoy the series that pesky love triangle rises it's ugly head to ruin it, that's what iv got against romance
What the hell is up with the japanese ........why do they keep things under raps when it comes to people why don't they just say things so things won't be misunderstood, -_-
Personally speaking, I have never been in a romantic relationship with another person. I have liked women in that way, but it has yet to work out. Sometimes it's simply because they just don't like me back in that way and other times, other things get in the way.
One time, it was a girl I was really good friends with - I don't think I've ever been closer to anyone else. I confessed to her one night and bad luck would have it that the morning after, my Nana suddenly died. Out of a mixture of both my grieving and not wanting to feel like I was forcing her into an answer because of the situation, I kept my distance and sadly, the friendship just fell apart. Shortly after then, she entered a relationship with a guy and they have been together since (with this September marking 5 years since the incident). While it is still painful to this day (especially as my sister-in-law has the same first name as her), I can't be sad about it because during my time as her friend, I saw her go through some serious lows and now she's happy, which is all I ever wanted for her.
In fact, the main reason I got so choked up over Golden Time was because she actually looked a lot like Linda and to find out that Linda would have said "Yes" to Banri if not for his accident really brought it all back. Seeing Linda take the same approach as I did though, to just keep an eye on Banri from time to time and let him be happy with Koko, it did help convince me that I had made the right choice in the end though.

The way I see it is, all you should ever want in a relationship is for both yourself and the other person to be happy. It should never about "winning" someone because to repeat earlier sentiments in this thread, a romantic partner is not an object or a trophy to be won. The moment you start thinking of them that way, then can it really be called love? To link this back to anime, take a look at Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie: Rebellion. Homura's actions were motivated by her love for Madoka and her desire to be with her, to the point where she went against Madoka's wish. To contrast with Madoka's selfless wish, her transformation was entirely selfish resulting in her being branded a demon not only by herself, but by Sayaka as well. One of the most touching moments for in the whole movie was seeing Sayaka reacting to Hitomi and Kyosuke being in her presence. She really did mature in that movie.

Another example I would bring up with this whole discussion is Nisekoi. Personally speaking, I think anyone who expects Raku to end up with anyone but Chitoge is deluding themselves, considering how she is not only the catalyst for the beginning of the series, but said event is even referred to in the title ("False Love"). If we were to go with the "Whoever loves them the most" approach, then no doubt Marika would win, because she's loved Raku for over ten years and has even changed her entire image for him. Can you honestly look at the two of them and think that they would have a happy relationship together? As much as I like Marika as a character, I can't. She's incredibly obsessive, possessive and frankly, she loves stirring things up.
Personally, one of my favourite characters has to be Tsugumi, but I know she won't be chosen either. That's because of she's so devoted to Chitoge that she won't even acknowledge her feelings (and isn't a key holder anyway). I think her character is rather tragic in that regard. As fond as I am of her, I just can't see it working out with with Raku.

My hope is that Nisekoi ends with Raku finding out who the promised girl is, then getting together with someone else. To show that they were chosen because of how much they mean to Raku, as opposed to just being the remnant of some promise. I think the ending line of last week's manga really hit the nail on the head with that one ("Once you find out whom you made the promise to, will you really be able to fall in love with her?".

Speaking personally as an amateur writer and someone who has studied English Literature, I think the main thing a writer needs is not experience, but empathy. People can become clouded by what has happened in their own lives to the point that it bleeds through into their writing. That isn't to say that using your own experiences as a template is a bad thing, but one skill a writer really needs is the ability to take a step back and view a situation from the outside, as well as to be able to put themselves in another person's shoes. Personally, I've found that despite me never having a relationship, I'm the "Go-To Guy" for relationship advice among my friend and family because of it.
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That's like what happened in this anime I just finished .....Yeah it was crap but there was this character who was going to give an answer to a guy she liked but he died the next day.................I'm not being insensitive am I?
I'm sorry for your loose
If never been the romantic type so I'll never know.

Hey speaking of which

What's your favourite anime with romance in it.......
I agree with everything Rui is saying, but with that said, quite a few romantic animes seem to miss the mark for me. Too many lame tropes, melodrama, and characters that mope about and feel sorry for themselves over ********. A truly subtle and believable anime romance seems to be a rare thing.

Just want to point out that none of what I said applies to My Little Monster. That's a top 3 anime for sure.