Retro VS Next Gen

Which Games Console / Games do you prefer?

  • Retro

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  • Next Gen

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Magical Girl
Which do you prefer playing? Retro or Next Gen?

I am a big fan of classic SNES games such as Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3, Super Star Wars, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Cool Spot and Super Mario Kart. These have loads of nostalgic value to me and I love digging out my old SNES to play them. Don't get me wrong I love next gen consoles and can't wait to get hold of a PS3 and kick some ass of Tekken 6, or the Revolution but old school retro games have a special place in my memories. So in a way I am torn between retro and next gen.

So what does everyone else think?
I'm a fan of both. SNES and NES titles had much better game play (some of them) but I like the Next Gen graphics. I'm looking forward to playing Final Fantasy on the PS3 to be honest but some of the best games are still to come, I'm sure.
As a primarily PC gamer, there isn't really such a thing as "Next Gen" for me. because it's a steady evolution. It kind of works like how the people around you age: Consoles are like not seeing someone for 5 years and being shocked at how different they are. PCs are like being around someone for 5 years and not noticing the change because it's so gradual.

I think that makes me "next gen". There was a time when Retro was king, but you can only spend so long in the past.
I love Retro games, the newest game i play is about 5 years old at this point, most of the games i play are SNES and Mega Drive games
Voted retro , I really adore the NES and SNES games to bits , so many classic games , recently dug out my SNES and started playing Zelda:A Link To The Past , again.
Retro, purely because the wonder that the SNES and NES where. Of course, soon enough PS3 will be retro, and the RPGs of the late ninties are already becoming hard to find (well some of them) and will soon be considered retro.
I don't know that I would fit in either- most of the games I like atm aren't old enough to be considered retro (except some of the older PC platformers I occasionally enjoy) but not front-line enough to be really next-gen either.
i voted retro because although graphice have greatly increased i thinh that game play has sufferd, my fav game mof all time is Rock & Roll racing on the nes, althouh the graphics suck compared to todays comparison the game it self Rocked (sorry about the pun, LOL). anyway retro gets my vote.
i can't exactly vote for this, If you are after games which brought new ideas to the gaming world, as well as addictive gameplay i would say i would go for retro, but when it comes to the graphics, gamelength and soundtracks i would say Next Gen, but its not like its an easy choice, there is great games for both, Tetrix and Sonic on the retro classic side, Halo 2 and the up coming Legend of Zelda twilight princess on the other
I love retro games, I remember spending hours plaing on the NES (and this was at the time of the N64, and by now it's always fun to play on a N64 ;)
Arbalest said:
Halo 2 and the up coming Legend of Zelda twilight princess on the other
These games trail the leading graphics by a considerable way, in fact, that's the whole arguement against Next-Gen games which are good for Graphics alone. They're shortly superseeded. In Halo 2's case, it was superseeded by at least 3 months, probably more.
Retro all the way. I've yet to see any title to completely sell me on a next-gen machine. Slightly nicer looking rehashes are not the way to go, we need some real innovation. I hope Nintendo has something miraculous up it's sleeve.