Radio 4's "Crossing Continents" to cover underage sex manga

Re: Radio 4's

robot monkey said:
The annoying thing is we've been seeing this sort of stuff said about it ever since anime and manga moved more into the mainstream from the early nineties.

I'm still waiting for anime to move into the mainstream!

This kind of reportage really does my head in. I haven't heard the broadcast (and won't be wasting my time with it) but it turn out my father caught a bit of it on the radio.

It's heartening that a non-fan like him can pick up on the air of bias arount the piece. I remember both of my Daily Mail reading grandparents being very concerned over the 'blood and guts and bambi eyes' headline that ran back in the early '90s, which has been a subject that's come up often whenever family ask me about anime.

I really do wish these trashy media focus pieces would focus on aspects of international culture that are either ACTUALLY problematic - of which I cant imagine there are many. Either that, or at least avoid slanting their coverage to crap on a niche interest shared by folks who would be rightly repulsed by the more sordid stuff this programme dealt with.
Re: Radio 4's

That said, BBC anything talking about anything non-mainstream (That isn't them furiously masterbating over how much Stephen Moffat is running Doctor Who into the ground by making it "The Stephen Moffat's Mary Sue and narratively bssackwards space-time mechanics Show") can pretty much be summed up thusly;

BBC Dinosaur (Translated): Is it OK to eat humans?
Other Dinosaur (T): Sure, they're younger and not us. Therefore it's our moral imperative to mock and attack them.
BBC Dinosaur (T): Well that concludes the segment, be sure to eat humans. Stay with us as debate just how safe we are from that big giant red rock flying towards us at high speed.