PS3 Pricedrop! For Japan only.

The Gamecube is selling better than the 360 in Japan at the moment. I guess that's why they felt they could lower the price over there.
Hmm, maybe Sony are afraid of what Blue Dragon could do for the 360 in Japan over Christmas. If I lived in Japan, I'd know I'd get a 360 and BD.
The 360 and Japan imho will probably never get on, the rather sizable wave of JRPG's hitting the 360 this year and in 2007 may go some way as to changing that, but I don't really feel the Japanese are ever going to be that keen on a Western console. That said im personally glad as a 360 owner that so many RPG's are planned for it as the original console was slightly lacking on that front.
Blue dragon does look interesting and i will probably look into it once its released..mind you i think even the with the price drop in japan..the PS3 is still way to pricy for a console.
sony don't need the uk or europe to survive. sony will be around for along time yet.

not too bothered ne way guna get a wii until the ps3 lowers it price
Well, Playstation 3 will learn thier lesson when it becomes a flop in america and decided to lower the price and get more launch games for march.

But whats the chance of that?
I'm not buying the PS3 until there's a price drop. Honestly, who's going to buy a console for that price when practically every major game is being ported over to the 360 as each day passes by? All the PS3 has left now is DMC4 (Capcom are considering releasing it on the 360), Metal Gear Solid 4 and Heavenly Sword. Why should I spend that sum of money just for two games that interest me at the moment? Only rich people and Sony fanboys will buy this on release.
This is probably an entirely different discussion altogether, but what on earth is the point of buying ANY of the next-gen consoles at this point in time?

We've already established that the PS3 is ridiculously overpriced, the 360 is hardly living up to its potential with the distinct lack of original games coming out (all there is so far is FPSs and RPGs *yawn*) and the Wii would be a lot of fun, but a lot of serious gamers wouldn't go near it.

Or am I just being a wet blanket?
i never got the 360 straight away..i waited a month..then i got it..and at the time..DOA4, call of duty 2 and kameo were able to keep me busy for a while..the PS3 i am going to avoid.. i am not getting it brother wants it..but the price is to high and from what i heard from someone is that it overheats easily..and in some cases the wiring melted :? so i'm avoiding it till the flaws are fixed..only one i will get as soon as i can is the wii..been waiting ages for it so i'm gonna try to get it as soon as i can.
I know what your saying..but the only reason some people will get it at this point in time is either because they have been after it for ages and so price high or not they will go for it..or there is decent games which people have been after and therefore will get the console because they want the games.
Wet blanket, for sure. The 360 has a good dose of titles already and it's getting even bigger. The fact that you've claimed all it has is FPS and RPG's is the point where I said to myself "Yeah, he/she has lost it...". The 360 has barely any good RPG's at the moment but there are a lot of promising ones that are coming soon. The 360 is living up to it's potential even at this early stage, with Xbox Live leading the way in online console gaming it's just as thrilling as ever to play 360 titles such as Project Gotham Racing 3 online with friends. Consider the amount of crap the consoles go through and look at how well the 360 has picked up in such a short time after that awful release issue.

I think with all factors considered, Microsoft are leading the way in the industry at the moment, and don't give me statistics because that's not my point. I'm talking about how they treat developers, how they treat their community among other things. There are tons and tons of communities dedicated to the Xbox Live world such as which is like an Xbox Live version of FacePic, which is an automatic blog that records everything you do on Xbox Live everyday and writes out an entry for you etc. I'm going to be bold and assume you've never been subscribed to Xbox Live, which is why I imagine you can't appreciate the service fully.

PS. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy, but I like to give credit to any company when it's due. The 360 has busted it's ass to get this far and I dislike seeing people put down a console with an excuse like "it's just FPS and RPG's" when that couldn't be any further from the truth.
.she said a lot of it has been fps and rpg's and they aren't her type of game so thats fair enough. . the 360 is good yes, and they may well do well on the console war this time round..but in my opinion..yes the 360 is doing well..but it can still be more, like most things. its good but its not my most favourite console..the xbox live is original yes..but some of the games are not so original.
Nemphtis said:
Wet blanket, for sure. The 360 has a good dose of titles already and it's getting even bigger. The fact that you've claimed all it has is FPS and RPG's is the point where I said to myself "Yeah, he/she has lost it...". The 360 has barely any good RPG's at the moment but there are a lot of promising ones that are coming soon. The 360 is living up to it's potential even at this early stage, with Xbox Live leading the way in online console gaming it's just as thrilling as ever to play 360 titles such as Project Gotham Racing 3 online with friends. Consider the amount of crap the consoles go through and look at how well the 360 has picked up in such a short time after that awful release issue.

I think with all factors considered, Microsoft are leading the way in the industry at the moment, and don't give me statistics because that's not my point. I'm talking about how they treat developers, how they treat their community among other things. There are tons and tons of communities dedicated to the Xbox Live world such as which is like an Xbox Live version of FacePic, which is an automatic blog that records everything you do on Xbox Live everyday and writes out an entry for you etc. I'm going to be bold and assume you've never been subscribed to Xbox Live, which is why I imagine you can't appreciate the service fully.

PS. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy, but I like to give credit to any company when it's due. The 360 has busted it's ass to get this far and I dislike seeing people put down a console with an excuse like "it's just FPS and RPG's" when that couldn't be any further from the truth.

I've had fun playing the 360 but to be perfectly honest while I have had enjoyed myself I can't truly say that any game is "next-gen" yet. Kameo? Yup I loved it was fun to play.. but not as good as Rare's N64 outings and certainly not revolutionary. Same goes for Perfect Dark Zero. Just been playing Enchanted Arms.. I enjoyed it a lot great JRPG but again its merely a PS2 RPG with nicer graphics. Dead Or Alive 4, great beat em up, lots of fun (although I tend to lose at it a lot ;) ) but Its just the same old same old looking prettier.

My main point is while there are games on the 360 that are fun, they haven't really progressed past the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube generation in terms of actual gameplay. I believe that in the future certain titles on all formats will finally make that jump, but they certainly haven't at the moment they just remain "fun but unoriginal"

As for Xbox Live it's certainly a good service.. can't really deny that. But again while it's a nice service it hasn't really brought much revolutionary to the table. I like playing games online on it occasionally sure lots of fun, but the PC has had online games avaliable on it for years that I enjoyed playing too. Xbox Live Arcade is certainly a great feature.. I love playing retro games from days gone by and play them a fair bit BUT, once again these are old games (or old gameplay) and while fun arent anything new.

And there is certainly an excessive amount of FPS on the 360, Melainy is right. ;) Theres quite a large bunch of RPG's on the horizon too but seeing as that's my favourite genre it's not as much of an issue to me, however to non RPG fans it evidently is. That said the PS2 is guilty of the "millions of RPG's" crime too ;)

P.S The PS3 is certainly stupidly overpriced
Nemphtis said:
PS. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy, but I like to give credit to any company when it's due. The 360 has busted it's ass to get this far and I dislike seeing people put down a console with an excuse like "it's just FPS and RPG's" when that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Apologies, I obviously did not make myself clear enough. I'm not putting down the 360 for its FPSs and RPGs. I'm putting it down because Microsoft have clearly released the damn thing too early!

People are forking out for a console that, while it may have the latest processing power, is littered with problems. It's poorly made and poorly managed - just look at the number of addons for it! It's another example of how money has to take over art. This console would have been superb if they worked on it another year and gave some production companies a head start in creating games that would blow people's brains out instead of being just "okay".

And xbox live? What's on there that a PC can't manage?! PLUS you have to pay for it! Just another cheap production gimmick. Although I suppose EVERYTHING has to have multiplayer online mode for it to be worth anything anymore.

I'd give Microsoft credit for one thing though - they definitely know how to manipulate their market.

PS: I'd be willing to change this view if the 360 brought out a game I was actually interested in and wanted to play with people I barely know ;)
Nemphtis said:
Honestly, who's going to buy a console for that price when practically every major game is being ported over to the 360 as each day passes by?.

Someone that wants to play GT-HD and BR discs on the same device? ;)
7zark7 said:
Nemphtis said:
Honestly, who's going to buy a console for that price when practically every major game is being ported over to the 360 as each day passes by?.

Someone that wants to play GT-HD and BR discs on the same device? ;)

Or the Metal Gear Solid games, the Final Fantasy games (the main ones anyway), etc
I do agree that the majority of the games out right now are nothing truly groundbreaking, and I don’t want to say something stupid like “Just wait until Halo 3!â€