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School Idol
What is the best manga that you have read that doesn't involve much comic relief, you know the traditional devices, bug-eyed reactions and super-deformed moments...
Basically I'm looking for something a little more serious and uncompromising.
Legal Drug - shonen-ai elements, but a rare gem of a title in my opinion. There's also only 3 volumes so it isn't such a dent in your bank balance :D
Lament Of The Lamb, its dark and depressing a great deal of the time.

Doll is another good title aswell, some very serious and deep short stories to be found in it.
Not too sure... Most of my manga has at least some level of Comedy in it...
Can't answer that really, but I found the .hack//A.I. Buster novels nice to read. Wasn't very comical, but still intresting and informative on the whole Project .hack.
As others have said, Death Note and Monster are very good choices. However, when you said "uncompromising", the first manga I thought of was Berserk - although it could be a little "icky" (depends what you can handle).
Also, from what I recall the Nausicaa manga was really quite serious, and a lot better than the movie.
Thanks for all these suggestions, I had a quick look around some shops today but could only find later volumes. If I don't see any next time round I'll flip through and then hit the net.

Capuchin said:
What is the best manga that you have read that doesn't involve much comic relief, you know the traditional devices, bug-eyed reactions and super-deformed moments...
Basically I'm looking for something a little more serious and uncompromising.
Nausicaa of the Valley if the Wind. I guess you've got a few goofy moments in there, but it's all gritty post-apocalyptic, warring nations, end of humanity type stuff after that. Gripping stuff, beautifully drawn and a definate classic of manga.

If you can stomach the feeling that you could be being educated (I found this manga in my secondary school library of all places!), you could try Barefoot Gen for the ultimate sobering manga. Actually that's not strictly true, because it makes a point of being light hearted in a sort of "there's hope for us yet" way, but the first two books are certainly harsh, harsh stuff, and the clincher is always the fact that it actually happened, something that rarely can be said for most manga you'll read. Not for the faint of heart: atomic bombs have nasty side effects and the artist is not afraid to show them.
Nodame Cantabile is an interesting one - its a comedy/drama manga that doesn't use the ususal SD/sweatdrop techniques. Even though Nodame herslef has a catalog of funny expressions, they are not drawn in a deformed way really.

I can't recall much SD/chibi stuff from the genshiken manga either. It appears to draw it naturally.

More serious stuff in general tends to avoid the chibiness completely.
Akira or Blade of the Immortal. Both are pretty lengthy, and not at all friendly on the wallet, but they're great reads and seem to be what you're after.
It's already been said, but Akira. However, at up to £23 for a volume (what I've seen) it's a little pricey.
Thanks for all these, I already have Akira, the first book of Barefoot Gen and I picked up Doll 1 yesterday, loved the Genshiken anime so I'll definitely pick that up if I see it...