Princess of naps, an introduction


Completely Average High School Student
I'm a weeb/nerd/geek and a huge procrastinator. And napper.

My internet hobbies are spending all my time on Steam adding to my wishlist, collecting steam badges to get backgrounds, emoticons and get past lvl something or other, writing late reviews and probably pointless guides, then on to Zooniverse classifying penguins and squirrels, digitalizing weather reports and transcribing the personal papers of British-born and emigre artists, then on to Fandom half-creating Wikis, on to osuStuff tagging avatars. And rinse and repeat.
You sound reasonably interesting so that's a plus. Welcome to the forums anyway. What kind of anime do you watch and you could also post something in the Viewing Journal thread eh? That usually helps people get their personality across, but hello :)
You sound reasonably interesting so that's a plus. Welcome to the forums anyway. What kind of anime do you watch and you could also post something in the Viewing Journal thread eh? That usually helps people get their personality across, but hello :)

I worried I'd sound a little boring, so that's a relief. Thank you for the welcome. I watch mostly isekai, slice of life and new airing anime, and of course, I'll get round to that soon! And hello hello 😀

Hey @NapTaku welcome to the forum!

Heya, thank you for the welcome!

Anyone who likes naps is a friend of mine, welcome :p

We can be nap buddies, thank you for the welcome 😝

Welcome to the forums!

Thank you for the welcome!

Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your time on here.
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Thank you for the welcome, I'm sure I will