N Najica-fan boy Completely Average High School Student 11 August 2005 #1 Hi there Najica fan boy here ,tis a great pleasure to join this forum
N Necromancer Stand User 11 August 2005 #2 Welcome to the forums. Hope you have a good time here . Iron Maiden are a good band.
N Najica-fan boy Completely Average High School Student 11 August 2005 #4 thanks very much see you on the forums
N neptune2venus Hunter 11 August 2005 #13 I'll take answer D! All of the above! Welcome and have a great time! ________ Vt750cd
S Suiseiseki Hunter 24 August 2005 #17 'tis a pleasure to meet you as well, hope you'll have a good, not-fatal stay here.