Damn that FFXV trailer really looks a lot better than I remember, now I'm wondering if they have cleaned up the games visuals in general (that's what the delay is for, right?), or was it running on a PS4 Pro? Which has just made me think every time I see a trailer I'm gonna wonder if it's running on a Ps4 or PS4 Pro lol.
Anyway, FF XII HD looks sweet and I can't wait to re-play it, NieR is just Hnnnnng (watched a game play session earlier, looks so good). Nioh looks fantastic, I didn't get a chance to play the demo but I've seen enough to know I want it (another game that has me wondering if that was the Pro version), I'll also most likely buy all the musou games as they're my crack. RE7 looks...uh.......interesting? the bit at the dinner table is hilarious, kinda want see it in VR lol Will 100% pick up Danganronpa V3 too, actually I'll probably pick up all the games Grav posted the trailers for above :/ I need another hobby lol.