Pics, everyone

Crap picture quality, but proof that I can fit into a hold-all.


Me and me shotgun.
That's some nice editing work, Sy. Viz should hire you, you'd do them proud.

Major said:
Crap picture quality, but proof that I can fit into a hold-all.


Damn, that looks fun, I wish I could fit into one aswell.

Do you get people to pick you up and take you around places like that as well?.
DaNiMe-sama said:
Major said:
Crap picture quality, but proof that I can fit into a hold-all.


Damn, that looks fun, I wish I could fit into one aswell.

Do you get people to pick you up and take you around places like that as well?.

They tried it, but I appear to be heavier than I look.
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Who on earth let you near a gun? The only weapon girls should be allowed to hold is a knife, and only when they're cutting the meat for the sandwich they're making me.

Get back in the kitchen!

Go back to 4chan. Scum. :)
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Major said:
Me and me shotgun.

Who on earth let you near a gun? The only weapon girls should be allowed to hold is a knife, and only when they're cutting the meat for the sandwich they're making me.

Get back in the kitchen!

LOL funniest thing i've read in a while, thanks for the giggles.
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Who on earth let you near a gun? The only weapon girls should be allowed to hold is a knife, and only when they're cutting the meat for the sandwich they're making me.

Get back in the kitchen!

I let me near a gun, I do have a license you know? And 6 shotguns on it. Gamekeepers daughter.

Don't talk to me about knives. ¬_¬
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Major said:
Me and me shotgun.

Who on earth let you near a gun? The only weapon girls should be allowed to hold is a knife, and only when they're cutting the meat for the sandwich they're making me.

Get back in the kitchen!

It's pronounced Sammich! :twisted: :lol:

This pic i like because it's just plain weird, everything around me seems to be wobbly and out of focus, yet i'm not lol weird. Anyway i like it lol.
Who wants to see pictures of voddas :D


Me at the TT Races 2006. Loved jumping out of the bushes at people lol.

Very warm though :p

Me not looking too pleased to see my best mate after a celebration party earlier this year.

Beautiful... :roll:

Here's me (right) and my best friend/amigo out and about at some random recent date.

Not the best pictures in the world. Went for the minature picture look.

Not by choice may I add. Just woking with what I got for the moment. 8)