Pc Game recommedations

fabricatedlunatic said:
Let's help make it happen, people

Together we can ensure that the third and fourth games in the series are but distant memories.
If only that fifty dollar version had come with a physical copy of the new game rather than downloads of six games I already have... As it stands Mr. Cecil has received only half as much as I was prepared to pledge (so everyone can blame me if they fall $25 short).
The first two games were excellent. The third was meh. I don't think I ever actually played the fourth. But watching the (quite clever and amusing) little video does make it look like they're going back to their roots - possibly as a result of Revolution's recent remake of the first game for iOS.

I have a suspicion that in the long run, Kickstarter could lead to the same problem we have with taxation - people who think their money has been poorly spent will feel angry at having paid and entitled to getting what they want rather than what someone else chooses to provide. I'm just waiting for the first artist to fund and release an album through Kickstarter that 90% of their existing fans think is ****. That'll be interesting to watch.
By "they" are you referring to the other Broken Sword games?


(Just for ayase.)

I played the Director's Cut of the first Broken Sword earlier this year, and it's still a fantastic game. The story's great, the puzzles largely logical, and the attempts at comedy actually amusing (unlike those unfunny LucasArts games OH NO HE DIDN'T). Probably my favourite point & click adventure, and the sequel is excellent as well. Broken Sword 3 and 4 on the other hand, well, the less said about those the better.
fabricatedlunatic said:

If you have trouble with playing the game in full screen mode, like I did, try following the instructions in this thread (4th and 8th post contain the relevant info). That worked for me.

Thanks for the advice. Normally Kickstarter stories bore me because the games are rarely interesting but this is Broken Sword. I might it try out now.
fabricatedlunatic said:
(Just for ayase)
Isn't that the second time recently you've gone Brony? Some people might start to think...

the puzzles largely logical
Ah, OK, this was what I couldn't really remember. I still probably won't contribute to the kickstarter, but maybe I will pick up the first one on Steam or something if I see it cheap.
I think Kickstarter is amazing. I'm holding my breath for a Shenmue 3 kickstarter....after Yu Suzuki gets the license off of SEGA, of course.

I literally don't even know the limits to what I would be willing to donate to that game!
vashdaman said:
I think Kickstarter is amazing. I'm holding my breath for a Shenmue 3 kickstarter....after Yu Suzuki gets the license off of SEGA, of course.

I literally don't even know the limits to what I would be willing to donate to that game!

I would definitely contribute to a Shenmue 3 kickstarter!