Panty and Stocking discs may be defective...

devilrules666 said:
Don;t watch Bleach so I can't comment on it but wasn't that the previews were taken off the first release with kaze's name on it?

Yup, and they've got NTSC-PAL conversions with video so bad that it make my eyes judder. I've whinged about Kaze discs being locked behind UPOPs till I'm blue in the face, but that isn't ever gonna change.

Multi-language options, good or bad?

Bad, when it turns out that for English speakers the discs are barebones, but the French get all the extra features. They even pay a little less in Euros for the same disc, so it's like the EU farming subsidies all over again. We pay more for less, so they can pay less for more. And the extras are all hidden on the disc in the French menus, with French subtitles, taunting us. Yeah, Kaze. Saviours of UK anime!
Guess that explains why there was no stock in HMV despite them having a card up for it yesterday. If they'd had stock i'd of probably grabbed a copy too.

Just when it looks like Manga might be past the technical gaffe stage they have to mess things up, and not something you can overlook but a massive gaffe.
I have never been interested in Panty & Stocking but You'd have thought such a big fault would have been noticed right away.
Everything is dead to the mighty power of the Internet.

That sentence had internal rhyming in it, so it must be true.
Not ordered it yet myself (no blu-ray so I was planning on waiting until the sales) however I have entered a few competitions with it as a prize.
Did Jerome want to leave for his break on a bad note or something?

I feel sorry for those who have the DVDs since I have a feeling Manga won't be in the position to offer replacements.
Oh Manga. How and when is this going to end? I like to think I give people a chance to learn from their mistakes and do things right next time... But you're not learning. Panty and Stocking was a Manga UK release I would happily have bought, and the first in quite a while at that. But now?

sanji no 1 said:
They done goofed!
We get it, dolan, you're a /b/tard.
ayase said:
Oh Manga. How and when is this going to end? I like to think I give people a chance to learn from their mistakes and do things right next time... But you're not learning. Panty and Stocking was a Manga UK release I would happily have bought, and the first in quite a while at that. But now?

sanji no 1 said:
They done goofed!
We get it, dolan, you're a /b/tard.

Ah what? The hell is a /b/tard?
Lawrence said:
Oh, another thread about how much we hate Manga UK? Lets be fair, accidents do happen, I mean, I'm sure if they could have had Madman author the disks, they would have. But asking them to replace the disks might drain funds that would have otherwise paid for riskier acquisitions like Madoka Magica on Blu-ray. Jermone is only one man and he isn't exactly lucky enough to have a big team to support him, I don't imagine they could afford that either.

Accidents do happen, but quality control is something that is meant to eliminate such accidents.

Jerome is the marketing guy, and I can't see how he can be held in any way responsible for this (massive) balls up. Manga's authoring department are the ones who deserve a slap.

It gives off the impression that the folks at Manga don't care enough to watch their own releases before they put them out.