Ninja Boy!

Thousand Master
OMG, this is so awsome
these are pics taken of some video games magazine
and it is a first person shooter called Red Steel.
apparently its made by UbiSoft.

nonetheless, i was just so amazed at the graphics, the Revolution was meant to pretty weak but looks like this changes alot of opinions.

go to that link and you will find the screenshots.

enjoy! :lol:
the revolution was meant to be pretty weak? lol i never really listened to whatever those people said..i'll judge it when i see it in action properly but this really looks quite interesting
neptune2venus said:
A bunch of pictures says nothing about a game until it is shown in full motion. It looks like any other next-gen game to me.
Yeah your right...and as you said...what can a picture really tell you about a game? not much really...but if the game is like what it shows there then it could be good.
Arbalest said:
the revolution was meant to be pretty weak? lol i never really listened to whatever those people said..i'll judge it when i see it in action properly but this really looks quite interesting
The thing is, Nintendo were the ones admitting that it was weaker spec wise, because they're saying that graphics aren't what they're focusing on, which will doubtless strike a chord with many people sick of style over substance games.

As I understand it, the biggest limitation is Nintendo's refusal to support High Definition, which is the major jump that the other consoles are making, though that said, most people don't have HD-ready TVs anyway. It does hurt their image though, when developers like Epic Megagames (Unreal Series) say that they don't expect to see Unreal Engine 3 games (UT2007 / Gears of War etc.) on the Revolution because Unreal Engine 2 (Splinter Cell, UT2003/4) will likely max out the hardware anyway.
it's stupid to think that anything is gonna blow sony outa the water...

it's the best in terms of style, games and graphics(don't forget ps2 was released a long time before x-box) and even when x-box was released it was still left in ps2's dust.

nintendo had it's day in the early 90's...

for now and the foreseeable future sony is on top
Don't be so sure that Sony are invincible. They're making some very risky plays this time round that they didn't with the relatively safe PS2 generation. Releasing a year after the direct competition is touch and go, and a lot of their strategy hinges on people adopting Blu-Ray discs which I am yet unable to actually see the point of whatsoever. The initial price of the console could be astronomical, and many of the games we've seen in motion so far are faked to what may be possible.

The only reason that it's ridiculous to believe that Sony are going to be taken down easily is because they're a massive corporation with a majorly successful history in the electronics market to prop them up, something Nintendo can't boast (If Nintendo's TV and handheld consoles were a catastrophic failure, they'd quickly be forced into a Sega-type position). The PS3 itself is perfectly capable of failure, and I don't believe that people are as loyal to them as they were between the PS1 to PS2 switchover.
Am I the only one who's a bit concerned about these new next-gen consoles?

I mean we have the Xbox360, which just seems a tad rushed and basically a suped up Xbox. A lot of what I've heard is that it crashes quite a bit. Plus there's the whole, buy the hard drive seperate bull.

Then there's the PS3, which sounds hella expensive (£70 a game) as well as the controller looking similar to the Batmarang. Also it won't be able to play my precious FFVII (T_T)

Finally the Revolution, where it looks like a fantastic piece of kit, and backward compatible with all my Cube games, it worries me about the number of third part developers who will put time and money into the whole moving controller thing.

My money's on the Revolution though. ;-)
to be honest..i have never seen sony as great at all..yes they have good releases on their Playstations..but they have the money to actually get companies to make games on it. Nintendo may not be as high tech as the rest but you don't need to be high tech to have great games, people just think that the graphics being better make the the games better but it isn't really the case.
Apparently it's not the final version - Sony have decided to redesign it due largely to that kind of reaction. The shape is probably going to be very different, and rumour has it that the final one will have motion technology similar to that found in the Revolutions. One thing's for certain - this year's E3 is going to be interesting indeed.
Necromancer said:
I found this pic of all the next-gen controllers, changed my mind on the Revolution slighty.
Because it shows that you'll have to pay extra if you want to make the Revolution controller useful? Or is the Gamecube-joypad attachment a standard extra?