Note - not really official
I'd kinda been feeling that the majority of anime released recently was lacking in some respect - not necessarily bad as such, just not being able to distinguish themselves from the mass of other anime out there. While series like Lovely Complex and Darker than Black are entertaining, they still remain "safe", standard fare.
I noticed the name "Denno Coil" while browsing some blogs, and, while I recognized the name, I hadn't heard anyone talking about it so it'd passed me by. When I read a bit further though, it didn't seem as if anyone had anything bad to say about it. So, I went and got the first 5 episodes and watched them.
And it was awesome.
It's been quite a while since I last saw a show that had such a character to it - a show that, rather than being another iteration, really shone through as uniquely itself. It was a breath of fresh air.
In Denno Coil, technology has progressed to the extent that a virtual world overlays the real world, and is visible to anyone who buys a pair of special glasses. Especially popular amongst children, these allow both play in the virtual world, and access to all sorts of useful programs. Thus technology-wise, Denno Coil bears a certain resemblance to Lain, although the resemblance stops there.
The story follows Yuko, a girl who's just moved with her family to one of the most technologically advanced cities. The story itself has an interesting slice-of-life flavour to it - at the same time developing Yuko and the world around her, and hinting towards a larger picture.
The quality of Denno Coil is striking. Not the just production values (which are top-notch), but the quality of thought that has gone into both the characters and the world they live in. This shows itself more in the smaller things in the story - but it's these smaller details that really give it flavour.
So... please excuse my ranting ^^;
Anyone else seen this?
I'd kinda been feeling that the majority of anime released recently was lacking in some respect - not necessarily bad as such, just not being able to distinguish themselves from the mass of other anime out there. While series like Lovely Complex and Darker than Black are entertaining, they still remain "safe", standard fare.
I noticed the name "Denno Coil" while browsing some blogs, and, while I recognized the name, I hadn't heard anyone talking about it so it'd passed me by. When I read a bit further though, it didn't seem as if anyone had anything bad to say about it. So, I went and got the first 5 episodes and watched them.
And it was awesome.
It's been quite a while since I last saw a show that had such a character to it - a show that, rather than being another iteration, really shone through as uniquely itself. It was a breath of fresh air.
In Denno Coil, technology has progressed to the extent that a virtual world overlays the real world, and is visible to anyone who buys a pair of special glasses. Especially popular amongst children, these allow both play in the virtual world, and access to all sorts of useful programs. Thus technology-wise, Denno Coil bears a certain resemblance to Lain, although the resemblance stops there.
The story follows Yuko, a girl who's just moved with her family to one of the most technologically advanced cities. The story itself has an interesting slice-of-life flavour to it - at the same time developing Yuko and the world around her, and hinting towards a larger picture.
The quality of Denno Coil is striking. Not the just production values (which are top-notch), but the quality of thought that has gone into both the characters and the world they live in. This shows itself more in the smaller things in the story - but it's these smaller details that really give it flavour.
So... please excuse my ranting ^^;
Anyone else seen this?