North Korea bombs South Korean island. End of the world inc

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memorium said:
heard about this in history yesterday, hopefully we'll have a nuclear war and we can live out the rest of our lives Fallout style

That gives modern history a new meaning man.

Also, how would living in the Fallout universe be good? Everything you eat and drink kills you. lol.
Godot said:
memorium said:
heard about this in history yesterday, hopefully we'll have a nuclear war and we can live out the rest of our lives Fallout style

That gives modern history a new meaning man.

Also, how would living in the Fallout universe be good? Everything you eat and drink kills you. lol.
sarcasm mate, sarcasm :)
Soubi-Hurt said:
South korea could Wipe North Korea of the face the planet quite easily without american help i bet.

Mental sketch of a south korean guy falling over a banana onto the big red button and accidentally nuking the two nations
Soubi-Hurt said:
South korea could Wipe North Korea of the face the planet quite easily without american help i bet.
Except no US means no nukes, and I'm pretty sure sheer force of numbers would be in NK's favour, much like the Soviet Union in WWII. I'd say in would be pretty much stalemate without outside intervention.

Also, I wasn't being sarcastic about Fallout. I'd have my own "Republic of Dave"... Or possibly my own "Pitt".