New MangaUK Podcast Licences

In case people genuinely don't know, yellow subtitles exist because they're easier for sight impaired people to see. I prefer white, but I'm not going to argue too hard against yellow subs because it does feel a bit like saying "f*ck the visually impaired, my aesthetic preferences come first!" Not that I think anybody's saying that (not that it wouldn't be your right to say so if you were).

As for the licences... Lupin / Fujiko on BD is excellent. Last Exile I already have - A quality upscale on BD might tempt me to double dip as it's a great show, but if it's DVD only there'd be no point. Original Hellsing I haven't seen, but is it actually any good compared to Ultimate?

Kenichi looks like pretty standard shonen fighting fare so I'll give that a miss, and I'm waiting for K-On to make its trasfer to the bargain bin so I won't feel too aggrieved if I end up hating it.
elixEideJ said:
Am I the only person who likes yellow subs? Eva 1.11 (UK BD) had white subs that kept blending into the background, so I was to busy straining to read them and not paying attention to the actual pictures in some scenes. Eva 2.22 (UK BD) switched to yellow subs with a black outline and I could watch the movie much more easily. Much better imo.
White subtitles aren't automatically better. The first Eva movie uses Funimation's old subtitles, which had an inexplicably thin font and a very thin black outline. Last year they finally heeded the complaints and switched to something more legible. They're a massive improvement.

ayase said:
In case people genuinely don't know, yellow subtitles exist because they're easier for sight impaired people to see. I prefer white, but I'm not going to argue too hard against yellow subs because it does feel a bit like saying "f*ck the visually impaired, my aesthetic preferences come first!" Not that I think anybody's saying that (not that it wouldn't be your right to say so if you were).
Thing is, I rarely (if ever) see yellow subtitles outside of anime - and even then not all distributors use them. Personally I much prefer white, but I can deal with yellow provided the font isn't too big and the colour isn't too bright (the aforementioned Madman subs--see Madoka for an example--are an acceptable compromise).
Nice to see some action on the Kenichi angle but a)It's about two years far too late to make much of an impact (and certainly not the impact it made in the US) and b)I'm not in the mood to trust Manga on this one untill it's on the shelves (or virtual equivalent) for me to buy.