New feature - Your Public Profiles and Added Interactivity

Paul said:
Here are some new ideas I've had lately to add on to the current version of these profiles.

  • Your Desktop Wallpaper (which will of course have to be limited by size etc)
  • Pics of you
  • Conventions / Meet ups that users can subscribe to (similiar to the friends list)
  • Some kind of user blog / shout box

I like those ideas too ^^
Introducing.. Show Off Your Desktop Wallpaper

I just coded this new feature today. Now you can show off your desktop wallpapers on your profile! :)

There are a few rules (only one wallpaper can be displayed, the image you upload must be under 100KB) but take a look at my profile to get an idea of how this will work.

To add your wallpaper, head on over to the following page (you have to be logged in) or find it on your main site control panel.
Is it possible to allow us to upload our wallpapers to another site like imageshack then put then into our profiles so we can add bigger files without using your bandwith?