New Anime Releases - 23/08/2015

Gundam Wing is awesome - though sadly now out of print in the UK. Hopefully Anime Ltd will give us the pleasure of a nice new Blu-Ray set sometime next year...
-Danielle- said:
Never saw Gundam Wing when Cartoon Network has one of the series on there. Never saw The Big O when it was on CN either.

Either of them worth a watch? Don't even remember what the latter was about, I just remember Steve Blum voicing and that girl called Dorothy :)

If the mecha aspect of Muv Luv interests you, I'd suggest giving my review on the main page a thorough read. The show does its mecha thang pretty well, but it's more character focused, to the point of being borderline harem.

As for Gundam Wing: give it a miss. It's a complete mess, and boring as sin.

The Big O, on the other hand, is absolutely joyous stuff, and needs a complete re-release at some point.
Space Dandy is fantastic if you like comedy with a clever a Sci fi twist - definitely one of the funniest anime I've seen in a long time, and just really well written and executed, as you'd expect from the creator of Cowboy Bebop.

I've seen a lot of people compare it to the likes of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Red Dwarf and Futurama. So if you like that brand of comedy and tone, it'll probably be right up your street.