New Anime Releases - 15/12/2014

It looks like most of the Blu-Ray versions of MVM's titles are being released next week, according to Amazon. Reviewed Gurren Lagann and Patema Inverted Ultimate Collections already. Going to review WataMote.
Gurren Lagann I already own the Ultimate Edition
Patema Inverted I got the Ultimate Version

No interest in Monogatari and need to sample Watamote.
Not interested in Kabukimonogatari as it doesnt have an English dub. I'll be getting Watamote but when it's gone down a bit in price. With the All The Anime sales atm I'm spending too much. There's 3 more animes I need to re buy too due to issues with where I originally bought them; Hellsing, Escaflowne & Elfen Lied. They make my collection feel dirty lol.
Already got Gurren Lagann blu-ray and Patema Inverted Ultimate for Christmas. Might get Watamote. No interest in Monogatari or Bleach.
Patema came last week and already got GL + the Bleach series 13 singles (damn those Kaze 'fat' packs)

Will be grabbing Monogatari (which I love the cover art on for this one) and Watamote (can't wait to hear what the English dub is like for this one) so pretty much a clean sweep this week.
Still need to get Bleach set 12 (hoping it's still in a box rather than plastic case) so set 13 can wait.
Have the GL Ultimate Edition
Kabukimonogatari - Waiting for the BD
Have the Patema Ultimate Edition via Kickstarter
Watamote on BD is a must buy in the near future.

-Danielle- said:
Not interested in Kabukimonogatari as it doesnt have an English dub. I'll be getting Watamote but when it's gone down a bit in price. With the All The Anime sales atm I'm spending too much. There's 3 more animes I need to re buy too due to issues with where I originally bought them; Hellsing, Escaflowne & Elfen Lied. They make my collection feel dirty lol.

ohh, it is those dirty Malaysian imports? I got sucked in by those very early into my Anime buying hobby, back when I didn't know any different.
Gave up on Bleach at boxset 5.
Will get GL on standard edition BD at some point.
Waiting for the BD of Kabuki and Watamote.
Will get Patema next year, don't know which version I'll get.
I dropped Bleach ages ago, already bought the fancy version of Gurren Lagann and have the US versions of Watamote and Kabukimonogatari. It's an interesting week of releases nonetheless!

Patema Inverted UE arrived today :)

I ended up going for the Collector's Edition of Patema Inverted. I've been awful for changing my mind over it. It's not out yet so I could end up swapping again :lol:
As much as it annoys me to buy anything involving Manga now days, I'm too far into Bleach not to pick it up. Already have the ultimate editions of Gurren Lagann and Patema Inverted, don't care about the rest.
I stopped buying Bleach when I realised it was all there on Crunchyroll. I'd probably be quite tempted to keep buying the DVDs as I do enjoy the English dub, but I just can't deal with those Kaze releases - the boxes are one of the worst uses of shelf space I've ever seen - I don't understand why they have to only have one disc per plastic case.

I feel a lot of value is knocked off Bleach too as it probably has the longest 'here's what happened last episode' pre-OP bits in any series I've ever watched. I'm sure some episodes only actually have 10 minutes of actual new animation in them once the pre OP/OP and ED are taken out of the equation.
Nothing for me this week,
GL - Already received the Ultimate edition bd
Patema Inverted - Already got the Ultimate Edition via the Kickstarter*
Kabukimonogatari - Don't own any part of the Monogatari series
Watamote - Might get the bd when it gets released
Bleach - stopped around boxset 5

* Speaking of Kickstarters it seems that Bubblegum Crisis is finally being shipped this week :D