Neo Magazine Forums Closing

Yakumo said:
And that's that, the Neo forum is officially RIP. Going there now gets you redirected to the main site.
Dang, I was just going to check the date I registered there (on the current forums at least).
Google cache to the rescue!

Join Date: 18-07-2007
Total Posts: 234
Last Activity: 15-10-2012
UID: 753

I don't actually remember making that many posts ^^;
Fun statistic: I had nearly three visits to my user page for every post. I expect 99% of those were google...
devilrules666 said:
Neo has been around since.2004 not 2009.

Hmm. I wrote 2009 because that was the start of the Neo awards. I have an interview with the first editor of Neo from just after it launched on an old e-mail account...
It was quite sad to read how this progressed, I think it's probably harder than most people would appreciate to go through your "own" forum being shut down like that. It seems like some of you are settling in well here though!