
Wow myspace is still around I thought it would be one of those things that died out like the dinosaurs :lol:

I think I have a myspace account if I can remember it ill tell you all
I have one

and all the haters that hate myspace either never used it or didnt have alot of active friends on it.
Because if you have alot of messages every day new comments etc
its pretty fun.
I enjoy it

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system_function said:
I have one

and all the haters that hate myspace either never used it or didnt have alot of active friends on it.
Because if you have alot of messages every day new comments etc
its pretty fun.
I enjoy it

add me

Meh, never understood why people like it so much. I prefer meeting new people in clubs and social places, not messaging and junk.

I've got a blank Myspace in order to view people's pics, but don't use it at all, waste of time IMO.
I recently created one even though I dislike MySpace. I use LiveJournal for all my blogging needs to be honest, and MySpace has always seemed like a chav thing to me in general. Anyway, mine's if anyone wants to actually add me. :]

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