My Art

Elf kiss ^^
I know there are some random scribbles visible, my art book was vandalised by some girls at school...;_;
Anywho, I tried to rub the scribbles out so just ignore them :)
Ok, so this isn't anime but I wanted to share with you guys one of my favourite comic characters...Rogue ^^"
It is a rather rushed/rough sketch
*giggles* Hey all, I really appreciate all of your comments, as soon as I fix the scanner I'll have a lot to post.
For now, here is a picture my friend asked me to create for Vic Mignogna (Ed Elric, FMA voice actor) for his birthday.
You may have to watch the video to understand the story behind the image.

Before you ask, yes, she is a die hard Risembool Ranger. :D
It was my first time trying to create art on the pc so, its rather dodgy.
I'm in 'the sketching mood' so expect a lot of posts in the next few hours :lol:

(Pictures taken with my phone so quality is a bit cruddy)
Note: I don't tend to use references for my pictures so that would probably be why proportion etc can be odd, I like to use my imagination first, reference later, kinda defeats the purpose but...I'm weird like that. ;O
Well, I thought I'd try photoshop skills today.
Here is my attempt at making...a freaky eye. o_O
I would really appreciate some tips or what I could do to improve.