UK Anime Distributor MVM Entertainment Discussion Thread

Gah, missed the Berserk steelbook early bird price. Hoping for an MVM spring sale to bring it back down. Already own the CE so looking to cheap out as much as possible.
Sorry to hear you missed the EB. Unfortunately this won't go back on sale now until Christmas when we put 2025 releases back at EB price - providing stock is still available by then of course.
Certainly an interesting picture to choose to advertise a series/release.

I can't imagine many children have liked a page for a small, British anime distributor on Facebook, and if they have, they've likely seen worse than a still-image of 'cartoon' blood and a decapitated head.

But perhaps I am a bit desensitised to that kind of thing. When I was a teenager, I was playing GTA: San Andreas and going around shooting people and hacking NPCs up with a chainsaw.

If you look at the BBFC criteria for 12 rated material, things like violence, gore, and nudity are permitted, as long as they are infrequent and justified by the context.

There may be moderate violence, but it should not dwell on detail. Occasional blood and injuries may be shown, but gory images should be infrequent and justified by context (for example, medical detail, fantasy).

Look at Princess Mononoke for instance - rated a PG - but it includes a scene where arrows sever a character's arms and another scene where an arrow decapitates someone; and that's fully animated as opposed to a still image.

Given that everyone on Facebook should theoretically be 13+, I don't see too much of an issue with MVM using simply an image like this - if it was a full trailer with excessive violence and gore, it'd be a different story.
Certainly an interesting picture to choose to advertise a series/release.

I can't imagine many children have liked a page for a small, British anime distributor on Facebook, and if they have, they've likely seen worse than a still-image of 'cartoon' blood and a decapitated head.

But perhaps I am a bit desensitised to that kind of thing. When I was a teenager, I was playing GTA: San Andreas and going around shooting people and hacking NPCs up with a chainsaw.

If you look at the BBFC criteria for 12 rated material, things like violence, gore, and nudity are permitted, as long as they are infrequent and justified by the context.

Look at Princess Mononoke for instance - rated a PG - but it includes a scene where arrows sever a character's arms and another scene where an arrow decapitates someone; and that's fully animated as opposed to a still image.

Given that everyone on Facebook should theoretically be 13+, I don't see too much of an issue with MVM using simply an image like this - if it was a full trailer with excessive violence and gore, it'd be a different story.

And a cop gets the Alex Murphy treatment (dismembered by bullets) in Bubblegum Crisis and that’s rated PG.
I dunno... I was pretty sensitive to that kind of stuff as a teenager... I don't mean to be some sort of nanny-statist and I agree that very young children prob shouldn't have facebook accounts anyway, but 12/13 year old me would have been really upset by that image... Facebook is complicated cuz there's a difference between the law and what restrictions are imposed on that specific platform, but I still think a range of perspectives is important. I would like to thank those who responded to the original post by @Dragon Slayer for not adding more gory images, given my subsequent comment. @Otomo I do always find Helen Lovejoy's "won't somebody please think of the children!?" hilarious XD