Geriatric hedgehog
Death Scythe
Wholly second that. I'm very glad I watched this having seen some glowing reviews, as would've passed on the synopsis alone. Fantastic show and among my favourites.After the Rain is such a damn good show and definitely worth checking out if you've never heard of it. Just don't be put off by the synopsis - despite the premise trying to bill it as a inappropriate age-gap melodrama, it's more a thoughtful & nuanced examination of desire, grief & purpose between two people finding an emotional connection after both becoming unmoored & isolated from the passions of their lives. In that sense its less a romance than it is a breakup story. Looks stunning throughout as well.
Although I'm also pretty sure the writer also just wanted to write a story processing her teenage crush on Patlabor's Kiichi Goto. Which hey, understandable.
Someone brave ask MVM about licensing Koi Kaze. The show where the age gap is the least troubling element.

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