While I'm here, here's some snaps of the Made in Abyss collectors that MVM kindly replaced after the original vanished in the post.

The release, while still solid, is definitely more of a mixed bag compared to some of the other recent sets I've picked up (GLT, Princess Principal, Flip Flappers, etc). On one hand, seeing the case in person definitely makes the decision to use that particular art on the back and spine make far more sense, but the heightened green does clash with the more natural hues of the cover art. Plus, there's the unfortunate coincidence that the colour is basically the exact same as the 'Save' sleeves Funi used to put out. It's not a massive issue for me personally, but there are clearly potentially nicer artwork available that would have also avoided having the plot description/rating on the back, which should be an automatic NO for any collector's set. That should have been put on the amaray instead on the episode listing. It's such a bizarre and unwelcome choice.
Next up are the art cards, which are frankly buck wild. I like them a lot, but most are obviously cross-promotional pieces for other titles (presumably from Web Comic Gamma, where MiA is originally published,) of which I have zero knowledge. Some additional notes namedropping these titles would have been welcome, but I suspect that Sentai probably wasn't even given that info in their release.

The only really disappointing part of the release is the booklet. The written content itself is perfectly fine, but for whatever reason all the images (both artwork and screencaps) are oddly blurry and pixelated, like they've been saved at too low a resolution. I'm not sure if this is how Sentai's version was, or if this was either a problem from transferring the assets or during the printing process, but it's a little underwhelming, especially compared to other stellar booklets like the one for Flip Flappers. It's acceptable enough for a summary booklet, but if this was an art book it would be completely subpar.
Gripes aside, it's still solid enough, if not as spectacular as other recent output.