Movies you watched as a kid

Land before time.
Fifel goes West and whatever else he did back in the day.
Disney movies until 1998, since thet started sucking at that point. [Though I was scared of Beauty and the Beast when I was like... 5.]
All Dogs go to Heaven.

There's really, REALLY, so many, but I cannot recall their names.

EDIT: I remember one movie I used to love when I was younger, but I can't remember it's name, it was based around like... a kingdom and ogres or something, and some girl gets rescued by some guy with a lamp when all these monsters come out in the dark and attack her, I dunno, can't recall all too well.
I watched "IT" when i was a kid and it frightend the life out of me, I dont like spiders and i dont like clowns, still cant watch that film to this day without cringing abit 8)
Shades said:
I watched "IT" when i was a kid and it frightend the life out of me, I dont like spiders and i dont like clowns, still cant watch that film to this day without cringing abit 8)


I have a friend who saw that when he was like six years old, and he now has a phobia of clowns.

I have yet to see this movie.

Stephen King movies are usually ****** compared to the novels, but I may aswell check it out sometime.
Hyaku said:
I have a friend who saw that when he was like six years old, and he now has a phobia of clowns.
Same. lol. He got terrorized in high school. But once you watch IT in Spanish Pennywise becomes lol-worthy.
Was 'IT' the movie that the Scary Movie franchise ripped on in Number 2, i think.

actually I'm pretty sure it is. Haven't seen the Scary Movies for time, even though i own the all the Uncut DVDs.
McIcy said:
Oooh Space Jam is a good one

The Later one 'Back In Action' wasn't that bad either, i like the characters in the WB Studios.

The animation in Live Action/Animations hasn't changed for god knows how long though.
Jayme said:
McIcy said:
Oooh Space Jam is a good one

The Later one 'Back In Action' wasn't that bad either, i like the characters in the WB Studios.

The animation in Live Action/Animations hasn't changed for god knows how long though.

Still haven't seen that one, never seems to be on as much as Space Jam is
Fun fact:

'Animal', a.k.a Brad Lesley from Takeshi's Castle, was cast in Space Jam because Michael Jordan liked his performance on the show, and insisted.