Most irritating commercial.

I find most charity adverts annoying. I know there's poverty and all that, and everyone knows that the area in need is Africa...
But the adverts are so heavily made, with their black/white shots, slow motion, mainly show kids rather than adults. I watch these things with bitterness now, even though they're meant to make you feel sorry/guilty for them.
I hate the Phones-4-U ads with the guy always shouting: "YEAH!! YEAH!!" It's so annoying.

Also I hate all those ads where the person is speaking is done by a voice over, I mean, what is their problem with letting the person speak themselves? Also, most of the voice overs don't even match the person speaking.
That advert with the loud-mouthed girl saying: 'What does the tooth-fairy do with all the teeth!?'

Yssh; makes me want to put a sledgehammer through my TV. >_>

I just saw the new Shelia's Wheel's advert, and it has thousands of volunteers and i know they're volunteers cos it says so at the end. Also a fat women in the car with them. . .and of course the jingle isn't no where as good.
That car advert with them two kids acting like adults, Zaphera or something like that. The humor Fails.

Car adverts. Loan advets.

and this line:


You mean Mariva and Zaphera.

What's annoying now is all these theme park advertisments "FUN DAY OUT!" "COME AND ENJOY YOUR STAY!"... No. Though now is the time for it.
Cillet Bang with that Barry Scott guy, who always has to tell us his name for some reason..and he always shouts.

and Shelia's Wheels... and the kids choir ads, they always annoy me for some reason... I think they advirtise Asda's clothes range..or something.

Andand, Insurance ads. D:
There is no shortage of candidates.

I hate the one where a kid is smelling the sofa,then his mum comes in with the washing and he smells his pants by putting them on his head >_< so annoying!
Daft, and obviously a suitable case for treatment but scores rather low on my irritation scale.

x-Amzie-x said:
That car advert with them two kids acting like adults, Zaphera or something like that. The humor Fails.
That is one that doesn't bother me to much. It is, at least, at little different from the usual hagiographies in chrome that advertise cars.

BARRY SCOTT SHOUTING TO ADVERTISE CILIT BANG {turns down volume} is not only annoying but particularly mean if it is at the start of a break since the commercials always seem to come out louder.

Yesterday, I'd've left it there. However, I had forgotten until about 20 minutes ago how much the recent Yellow Pages adverts irritate. The ones that are supposed to show the people behind the numbers doing jobs in very slow motion - glacial, if not geological slowness - with even slower music behind it. One of the most actively boring adverts I care to remember.
Aaron said:
I hate those anti-salt ads.


Shut up.

They banned salt in my school from Year 10 to when I left >_<

I like my meat and salt and if I wanna die at 55 from high cholesterol then that's my problem. :twisted: :lol:
! I really hate the "BOGOFF" one selling windows or doors or somthing.................with that bald scary man.

He says:

"I said you buy one and get one free, I said you buy one and get one free!!!"

Over and over again! I hate it!!! Luckly its not on that often =/