Most irritating commercial.

The old Picture Loan adverts ticked me off too, with the woman filming her hubby on the phone o_O I mean, wtf?

'Y'know it's really easy to talk to those people at picture...'

There was a Quorn advert I hated just because of the girl in it, she annoyed me soo much, where she complained because she said Quorn was her thing and at the end she threatens her brother or something.
Xelis said:
There was a Quorn advert I hated just because of the girl in it, she annoyed me soo much, where she complained because she said Quorn was her thing and at the end she threatens her brother or something.

"Touch my food, feel my fork"

I asume you mean this one 8)
Shades said:
Xelis said:
There was a Quorn advert I hated just because of the girl in it, she annoyed me soo much, where she complained because she said Quorn was her thing and at the end she threatens her brother or something.

"Touch my food, feel my fork"

I asume you mean this one 8)
Thats the one, I feel like slapping her everytime she makes that face while saying that line.
"StarBurst: Berries & Cream"
If you're not sure what i'm talking about, search for it on YTube.
The new Sunsilk advert does my head in.
Just more proof that Girls Aloud contains shallow, talentless bints.

At least it's not as bad as the old Sunsilk adverts..

>< ARGH~!
Ramadahl said:
Y'know, reading all your comments makes me glad that I stopped really watching TV about 4 years ago.

You stopped watching completely? ;'/

I mean, there's still about 2% of programming that's actually worth seeing. :lol:
I think theres only a handful of decent UK produced shows at the moment. Dr Who, Torch wood, Robin hood, Jekyll being the ones that i would watch, & oh look they're bbc shows that don't have ad breaks :p
Hyaku said:
Ramadahl said:
Y'know, reading all your comments makes me glad that I stopped really watching TV about 4 years ago.

You stopped watching completely? ;'/

I mean, there's still about 2% of programming that's actually worth seeing. :lol:
Well, not totally... I think I've seen part of a football game, 2 episodes of Scrubs and half an episode of Torchwood in the past year... just stuff that happened to be on when I went into the front room. I think I did hear my housemates all singing along to Sheilas wheels, however :/

Mostly I stopped watching TV becuase it was hard enough to find room for a TV at uni, and the costs seemed a bit more significant when I actually had to pay them myself. So I didn't bother for a while, then found out I didn't really miss it anyway.
Upon seeing two extremely annoying commericals in a row, I'd like to add the following:

Shreddies - The one where all the old grandma's are knitting Shreddies, and the entire concept just makes me want to hurt people.

Petit Fillous(sp?) - No explanation neccessary.
Why are so many people angry about BARRY SCOTT? He's a legend, I tell you. :lol:

Anyway, this should amuse some of you grumpy old men:


I can't remember what it was for, but there is an advert where there's a little Asian boy on the can, and he's saying to his mum through the door; "It's all gone!" Why the hell is the mum Caucasian? I don't know why, but that grinds my gears.
As old as it is...the crazy frog ads. Seriously he started out from being an anoying frog ring tone thingy to a ps2 game. They went waaaay over the top with it. I thought those ads had stopped till I saw it yesterday.