Most irritating commercial.


After experiencing the new Sheila's Wheel's advert, I feel angry inside. :lol:

Oh, and the Safestyle UK one, that bastard needs to be thrown through a window... :lol:

Which advert(s) annoys the **** out of you? :twisted:
I know this is old and haven't seen it in time, But the "HI I'M BARRY SCOTT, Cillit Bang! advertisements annoyed me; and one of the funny facts about it is that the d00de real name isn't even Barry Scott, Cillit just thought it would be a good name. < < < Laugh At That

On a lesser scale but i hate being in a room with ANYONE when the advert comes on with the group of kids on a cell phone and one of them get ran over and everyone starts screaming. AHHHHH.

Of course the 'Frosties Kid Advert, but who doesn't because they most deffinately gonna taste great.

There are others they i might add in when i see them
Any kind of loan advert.
'Josh! Dad's found your scootah!' Argh!

Oh and Hasting's Direct
'0800 00 1066' >< I still don't understand why he does the egyptian dance at the end when he's meant to be medievil.

AND the one where the woman is eating Cruncy Nut Oats while the guy questions her and all she does is go 'MMMMMMM!'

Oh and 'Quuuote me happy!'
Bonnie-Chan said:
Any kind of loan advert.
'Josh! Dad's found your scootah!' Argh!

Oh and Hasting's Direct
'0800 00 1066' >< I still don't understand why he does the egyptian dance at the end when he's meant to be medievil.

AND the one where the woman is eating Cruncy Nut Oats while the guy questions her and all she does is go 'MMMMMMM!'

Oh and 'Quuuote me happy!'

I share an angst for all of those exampes.
All the ads that involve claiming on accidents and stuff. This is not the States we do not neede to feckin claim on every little thing.

The ones that annoy me the most are the ones were people say "I slipped on a pool of water when i was leaving work" then the ad shows a reconstruction were they have a sign with wet floor on it & the person walks straight through the sign & looks about like a plank

Also Cillit Bang gets on my Fecking nerves, & why the hell did some feel the need to remix it into a dance song

Also ads that make no sense, have no reference to the product they are selling [I'm Talking bout You Sony]

Ads in general get on my fecking nerves, if they were quick & To the point i wouldn't mind
Totally forgot about Awfully acted adverts that try to wrap homelife into 30 seconds of ******* television.

And people who break the fourth wall of television, and that shouldn't be done unless its done well, for example Malcolm in the Middle.

The Cillit Bang remix wasn't offcial btw.

More or less any adverts are bad

Actually a LOT of Singing adverts have started poping up now-a-days; "Shellia's Wheeeel's, Yeah"
One line....


Theres rarely any good adverts anymore, Honda produce good ones cept its like 1 per year.
Xelis said:
One line....


Theres rarely any good adverts anymore, Honda produce good ones cept its like 1 per year.

I enjoy that advert purely because its like 2 seconds and if you say it someone, expect to hear some one else say it a bit after.

Bow chika wowwow
Xelis said:
One line....


Theres rarely any good adverts anymore, Honda produce good ones cept its like 1 per year.

I actually found the first one rather amusing, but it soon got dry.

I love zis country. :lol:
thekendyman said:
All the ads that involve claiming on accidents and stuff. This is not the States we do not neede to feckin claim on every little thing.

The ones that annoy me the most are the ones were people say "I slipped on a pool of water when i was leaving work" then the ad shows a reconstruction were they have a sign with wet floor on it & the person walks straight through the sign & looks about like a plank
Quoted for truth.
PS3 adverts. There's enough pseudointellectual crap around as it is. Don't add to it Sony.

Adverts that have anything to do with money are boring as hell. I really don't care about what they have to say. I'm not switching banks or anything like that.
Diamond - COme on if lads had a blokes only insurance company some womens lib. group would have them in court for sexual discrimination
I hate the one where a kid is smelling the sofa,then his mum comes in with the washing and he smells his pants by putting them on his head >_< so annoying!
cillet bang has got to be the most annoyin advert on this planet. barry scott or woteva his name is has such an irratatin voice, i mean GOD you dont have to shout we are sitting in the same room as the TV. :?