More Mahoromatic Anime

I remember watching the first series a couple of years ago.

I still can't get over how something so charmingly funny could be so heartbreakingly sad.
yeah the whole ticking time bomb of maro only having a year left in her is heart wretching. espically because of the relationship she starts to have with the guy who parents death she was involved in.
What especially got to me, was the fact that at the end of each and every episode there's a countdown of how long she has left, so no matter how funny the episode you just watched was, you're always left on a downer.

All the way through I was thinking, nah it's a comedy, they'll come up with something, but when it gets to the last episode, it still ends on a countdown.
awsome this is awsome news i loved that series, followed the book almost perfectly, plus i love Bow's character designs.
Only shameful thing is that i doubt there ever be an American release :(.

The only thing i can see with this though, is that it's only gonna be spin off episodes from the main story