

Stand User
Does anyone know what's happening with the US release? Did Box 1 not sell very well? Sure it came out in 2009 and can't find out about any further releases. I do know it recently aired on SyFy in the US.

Have Manga UK made a comment on licensing this?
Viz seem to no longer want to release anything that doesn't sell on Naruto's level, so they cancel almost everything after a couple of volumes. Monster is looking unlikely to ever be completed over there now, which is usually a death knell for a UK version too.

Hopefully Viz will change their strange strategy at some point and give some of the cancelled shows a second chance with more realistic expectations. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting though :(

Viz are retards and need to give it to someone who could actually market it properly, like Manga. It's criminal that possibly the best series of the previous decade isn't even getting a full release.
The more I think about it the more it irritates me. I also think it would have sold better if they had put more episodes on Box 1. 15 on 3 discs, might be ok for some shows but when there are 74 episodes.

I'm sure I recall people on hear saying they wouldn't buy it coz it wasn't worth it.

Damn you Viz, get your selves sorted. :x
Rui said:
Viz seem to no longer want to release anything that doesn't sell on Naruto's level, so they cancel almost everything after a couple of volumes. Monster is looking unlikely to ever be completed over there now, which is usually a death knell for a UK version too.

That's a damn shame. I suppose a mature, relatively realistic series like Monster was always going to be a tough sell in the west but given some of the crap that's flown off the shelves I'd hoped they'd at least finish it in R1. What a waste of a great anime.
Wow, I quite literally just started to look into Mondter myself today. It's all up for streaming on Youtube, but alas not in the UK. And of course it's all been dubbed and shown on US TV and is....*cough* available thusly....
What i dont get is if a series sells badly. Instead of stopping dvds why dont they just release larger boxsets just so people buying can have the series and they can make some money.

Considering buying bootleg boxset off ebay just because Viz won't release more sets and MANGA won't pick it up which is a shame.
Stuart-says-yes said:
You can also download the full series off at $2 an episode, or something like that.

While it's not my preferred way of owning anime... that's awesome.

Having researched this show, I'm actually quite interested in it. And check it out! Cam Clarke's in the dub!

If this were released in shiny box set form, I'd buy it. No question.
ilmaestro said:
Does anyone with any sense actually pay for illegal anime these days? Please.

I would rather buy an official release but thats not an option, Also 70ish episodes if i remember. I have another 4 people in the house who all use laptops/pc's along wit there xbox's. My net would get throttled and i'd get moaned at and take a while for it to download. paying £15 will do me fine. If they ever see sense and release box sets again or MANGA picks it up i'll buy them.