
Death Scythe
Wow, i can't stop myself now can i?

Anyway, i'm sure this kind of topic has been made tons of times before, but i thought i would make another, just for the fun of it >.>.

I'm sure loads of people here play MMORPG's... and this topic really is to talk about them, in fact, as a suggestion to Paul if he reads this... could we have an MMORPG section of the forums please to discuss.. well... MMORPG's *cough*. Yeah so, i'm making this topic for people to list what MMORPG's they have played, are playing and want to play and will have the chance to play in the future, so maybe we can all get together and have so MMORPG fun, or an orgy, i'm up for anything >.>.

Yeah so: I currently play many and when my blasted exams are over i'm going to go MMORPG mad (omg that long 6 letter word is getting annoying now...).

I play and have played and WILL play again:

Anarchy Online
Guild Wars

I have on my computer but haven't got working/played:

Priston Tale (well i played the beta then it broke)
Maple Story

I want to desperately play these but have no money, aw poor me...

Final Fantasy XI
World of Warcraft
RF Online

I'll have to research these to play them:

Space Cowboy Online (ep 2 is out but i can't find ep 1...)
Kal Online
Conquer Online
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst

Some non-MMORPG's, omg i'm going off my own topic /cry, i am mad about:

Halo!!!! I bet no one can beat me

Am pondering on:

Counter-Strike: Source, because it's okay....

One of the most important things for gaming however is Xfire!, my xfire name is: mranime

So lets get gaming ppl! Well i will in 2 weeks after my GCSE's, so wish me luck!

This of course doesn't include console games, but there are too many to list.

Finally... i know i've missed tons of games off and things to say, because there are so~ many! These have just come to me as i've written this...

I must also apologise because i seem to be a little hyper tonight, which is very odd considering i've got 2 exams on monday...

A~~nyway... i'm off to get my Ergo Proxy fix now, time for episode 3 and my first look at the opening! WOO~... i've heard it's meant to be legendary as far as OP's go ^^... oops off-topic again :S

Ive played.. here we go..

-Everquest - only for a few months, it was boring.
-Final Fantasy XI - was boring too
-Runescape - I was hooked :?
-FlyFF - The server would never let me log in or just kept crashing
-Anarchy Online - So confusing, but I had good help just got a little boring without the expansions.
-Gunz - BUGZ!!!
-Silk Road - The leveling got a bit boring.

Also, I would have tried the beta Priston Tale but there were soo many bugs I never even managed to get started.

Non-MMORPG's I used to play alot were Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory and Counter Strike: Source.

Also on your Ergo Proxy note, the opening to that show hooked me instantly too.

Also again.. How did your exams go, I took mine last year, they were daunting but I passed them all thankfully :) Im sure youve done alright.
I play singleplayer largely. Recently I've been into multiplayer as well (SWAT 4). Thing is, I don't think I could ever really get into MMO games.

It's not that I don't think that some of them might be fun for the social interaction, but there are a couple of really heavy problems stopping me from playing them (If you don't care for a large and waffly rant, feel free to skip the next 2 paragraphs :mrgreen: )

The first is the whole "grind" thing, where you continually go out and hack hack hack away at monsters for the sake of levelling up. You take on quests just so you can gain experience to gain new abilities to allow you to hack hack hack away at even bigger monsters. I realise it's not the same thing, but this is what I found when playing a game like Diablo II, both online and offline. It was a neverending series of monsters to beat up just to level up. And eventually I realised, that's all the game was, and that the actual core gameplay was actually kind of dull and unsatisfying. I realise in an MMO you've got the whole aspect of social interraction, but I have a hard time distancing that from the gameplay mechanic. I get enough online social interraction when I go onto a forum, but when when I play a game, I want the actual gameplay to be fun in and of itself. This is part of the reason why I've largely left off RPG's in general I suppose. There are a few I still enjoy playing (Planescape: Torment, Fallout), but on the whole if the gameplay has a significant amount of grinding in it, then I usually can't be bothered anymore. It's a shame really, I used to be a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, but these days I'd never be able to get into a game like say, Final Fantasy 8, where the whole 'draw' system has you spending ages in battle just drawing spells from your opponent.

The 2nd major problem, which ties into the first (sorry for the long post :oops: ), is that MMO games, moreso than any other games, are major timesinks. And that's something that I really can't do. They take far too much of a time investment to make any real progress in. I've found myself drifting more and more towards action games these days, since they can be plaid for short periods and are fun during those periods. Heck, part of the reason I got back into anime in a major way was specifically because it's a lot less time consuming (if a lot more costly :mrgreen: ) than gaming has been for me. In an average episode you go from beginning, to middle, to end of a whole story in half an hour, and I can be easily satisfied with that. When gaming, you'd be hard pressed to end anything in half an hour. MMO games take this a lot further, since the nature of most of them dictate that you need to invest a sizeable chunk of time into them. I've seen friends playing WoW, and all they ever do is the aforementioned hackery, with a side order of bidding and auctioning.

So I guess in the end, if there was an MMO for me, it'd have to be something specifically short, punchy and fun. Sorry to fill your thread with a massive rant, but hey, at least I contributed to the discussion. :mrgreen:

In any case, if you're up for a non MMO game, SWAT 4's a lot of fun (I realise I keep going on about it, but it's one of the few recent games my PC would play wihtou shedding tears of sorrow and pain).
Nowadays I'm mostly into single player games, but want to play counter strike and wouldn't mind playin WoW.
I used to play a few MMORPG's, the biggest being Runescape for about 2 months and Final Fantasy Online for around 2 months aswell, Runescape was ok but too simplistic, FF was huge but pretty boring.
I don't tend to get bored of games it's just I had an amount of time on them and I just wasn't really interested anymore so quit. =(
Yeah, DaN I wouldnt bother with FFXI at all. I havent tried WoW yet because of the fear of addiction, so Ill stick to Civilization IV that came in the post the other day :)
I'd hardly call WoW addictive, all you do is day after day of raids for an item only for someone to beat you by a roll of 1 for the item
Fullmetal Shorty said:
Yeah, DaN I wouldnt bother with FFXI at all. I havent tried WoW yet because of the fear of addiction,

Fair enough...

so Ill stick to Civilization IV that came in the post the other day :)

*waves arms about*
subedii said:
I play singleplayer largely. Recently I've been into multiplayer as well (SWAT 4). Thing is, I don't think I could ever really get into MMO games.

It's not that I don't think that some of them might be fun for the social interaction, but there are a couple of really heavy problems stopping me from playing them (If you don't care for a large and waffly rant, feel free to skip the next 2 paragraphs :mrgreen: )

The first is the whole "grind" thing, where you continually go out and hack hack hack away at monsters for the sake of levelling up. You take on quests just so you can gain experience to gain new abilities to allow you to hack hack hack away at even bigger monsters. I realise it's not the same thing, but this is what I found when playing a game like Diablo II, both online and offline. It was a neverending series of monsters to beat up just to level up. And eventually I realised, that's all the game was, and that the actual core gameplay was actually kind of dull and unsatisfying. I realise in an MMO you've got the whole aspect of social interraction, but I have a hard time distancing that from the gameplay mechanic. I get enough online social interraction when I go onto a forum, but when when I play a game, I want the actual gameplay to be fun in and of itself. This is part of the reason why I've largely left off RPG's in general I suppose. There are a few I still enjoy playing (Planescape: Torment, Fallout), but on the whole if the gameplay has a significant amount of grinding in it, then I usually can't be bothered anymore. It's a shame really, I used to be a big fan of the Final Fantasy series, but these days I'd never be able to get into a game like say, Final Fantasy 8, where the whole 'draw' system has you spending ages in battle just drawing spells from your opponent.

The 2nd major problem, which ties into the first (sorry for the long post :oops: ), is that MMO games, moreso than any other games, are major timesinks. And that's something that I really can't do. They take far too much of a time investment to make any real progress in. I've found myself drifting more and more towards action games these days, since they can be plaid for short periods and are fun during those periods. Heck, part of the reason I got back into anime in a major way was specifically because it's a lot less time consuming (if a lot more costly :mrgreen: ) than gaming has been for me. In an average episode you go from beginning, to middle, to end of a whole story in half an hour, and I can be easily satisfied with that. When gaming, you'd be hard pressed to end anything in half an hour. MMO games take this a lot further, since the nature of most of them dictate that you need to invest a sizeable chunk of time into them. I've seen friends playing WoW, and all they ever do is the aforementioned hackery, with a side order of bidding and auctioning.

So I guess in the end, if there was an MMO for me, it'd have to be something specifically short, punchy and fun. Sorry to fill your thread with a massive rant, but hey, at least I contributed to the discussion. :mrgreen:

In any case, if you're up for a non MMO game, SWAT 4's a lot of fun (I realise I keep going on about it, but it's one of the few recent games my PC would play wihtou shedding tears of sorrow and pain).

What an interesting opinion you have!

I can understand the second one very well because i also have time issues, so much to do, so little time and so on... But now i have Summer holidays! WOOO 3-4 months i think! I'm gonna be playing everything so much!

With the first opinion... i can see where you're coming from, and i can understand it, it's your view of course... mine on the other hand is that there is something EXTREMELY satisfying in killing all those monsters for a level up, then you start again but can go onto bigger monsters. Quests are fun as well! Also, in this game called FlyFF... there are a LOT of very high level people, and it makes a kind of economy!, it's really interesting!
There are 2 servers one with 4 clusters and one with 3, the first is called Aibatt and the second Lawolf (named after the monsters in the game), the game is Korean of course and totally free. The thing is though that this little economy they have going on is so diverse and massive that they have currencies between each server, like a certain item would cost 1000 on one server but 1500 on another... Also, there is always the storyline, which all these games have... once you get to an extremely high level you get to fight an end boss and get to the credits.. i haven't done that yet though. Yet another thing is that you can FLY! on a broom or a board lol, it's brilliant! Also! the fact that when you get to stupidly high levels, you get the most stupidly massive spells (if you're a mage for instance), where your spells cover the entire screen and lag everyones game up, it's an amazing experience that i have yet to have! It's all just brilliant, in my opinion of course, and so satisfying... the monster slashing is just all part of it... there is so much more to it as well and what i've said only scrapes the surface.... Though to do all of it, it does require a massive amount of time, but it's worth it.

So yeah interesting view, and if you want to try out FlyFF, you can go to
Although i doubt you will from what you wrote in your post lol.

Wow i love typing.

Fullmetal Shorty said:
Yeah, DaN I wouldnt bother with FFXI at all. I havent tried WoW yet because of the fear of addiction, so Ill stick to Civilization IV that came in the post the other day

Lol, i think i'll try it out for myself first... being a massive fan of Final Fantasy, and i played the game at Game Stars Live a few years ago, i've wanted to play it for ages... also it can hardly be boring, that's just someone's opinion... not a fact... i know someone who's played it for more than 1500 hours... xfire stats that is... he obviously loves it... so i'm buying it along with RF Online and WoW, then i shall make my opinion ^^.


Fullmetal Shorty said:
Also on your Ergo Proxy note, the opening to that show hooked me instantly too.

Also again.. How did your exams go, I took mine last year, they were daunting but I passed them all thankfully Im sure youve done alright.

Likewise for the Ergo Proxy opening! How fantastic is it! Ergo Proxy is definately a landmark in anime history, as big as NGE for a fact! It's just so damn awesome! I'm on episode 5 i think, gonna wait to see the rest at the end of the exams though.

And as a note on the exams, thanks for asking btw ^^, they're going okay i think, got English Language tomorrow -.-, but English Literature is out of the way thankfully, it was daunting, 2 hours and 15 mins!, 3 essays!, i buggared up the last one but did my best ever for the first so i hope it balances out lol, had Maths non-calc today and it was a lot harder than i expected, anyway i'm off to do some Biology and English revision now, i've posted so much today :S, glad to hear that you passed yours as well! BYE!
i am not the biggest fan of MMORPG's but i do play a couple. WoW i am on at the moment..i was on FFXI but kinda stopped as at the time i was too busy. Runescape..i was hooked on it too, now though i just maybe go on it once or twice. i have thought about getting Rf online but haven't really gotten the chance to by it. More lately i am interested in Xbox live for the 360, but i need to re-new it. i can't think of any more MMORPG's just this second but they will no doubt come back to me.
I can understand that there's definitely more to MMO games than just the hack / slash stuff. I mean, I know in WoW for example a big part of it is purely the exploration aspect, going where you haven't been before and seeing what sights they've laid out for the few who manage to find them. Then there's also things like world events and other story events, like you were talking about.

It's just that I feel that if I'm going to play online at something, then either a)I'd need to do it regularly with the same group of people (which is hard enough a lot of the time), or b) the gameplay needs to be simple and punchy, like an FPS.

I've also been a big time fan of RTS's admittedly, but even then you could usually wrap up even a heavy game of TA (for example) within a couple of hours and feel that it was intense the whole way through.

I think it would largely depend on the combat dynamic of the MMO game. From what I've seen of WoW, it's just long stretches of slicing things, no real variation, and no change of pace (that's one thing I feel is key to making a decent gameplay experience, pacing the gameplay). Still, games like Planetside might've interested me I suppose, but then again there's still that whole time constraint thing.

I guess in the end what you play is largely dictated by what you feel you're capable of playing. :p

EDIT: BTW, what books do you guys do for English lit? When I did it it was MacBeth and Animal farm. Macbeth I hated with a passion, but Animal Farm I feel I'd genuinely like if I read it now, outside of the joy sapping environment of a classroom.
I'd steer clear of Runescape, I've literally just handed back my player-modship and cancelled my subscription. I've played it for about three and a half years and quit several times due to one thing or another.

There's just been a major bug (related to the new 'skill' construction) which has enabled some players to attack other players in non-PVP areas and take their rare items. The game company's response? Blanket-ban all discussion of it and lock-down. Pfft, they can keep it, I'm disgusted with their attitude.

Couple that with dodgy updates splurging out at a rate of knots, a 'community' you wouldn't entrust with a pet flea and a real problem with the grinding needed to level.. it's just baaad.

Kingdom of Loathing and Urban Dead, on the other hand, now they're not MMORPGs per se, but they're online, browser based and multi-player and they're... *gasp* fun to play! :D They also only take minutes per day to use your turn, ideal for a quick-fix or the more casual gamer.
Ive just come off playing Runescape for around 3 and a half years too, Id heard of the many construction bugs but not the PVP bug, thats just funny. The community on Runescape is poor too, its now full of 8 year olds being total idiots.
Btw, what was your Runescape name? Mine was Muhaahaahaa.
subedii said:
I can understand that there's definitely more to MMO games than just the hack / slash stuff. I mean, I know in WoW for example a big part of it is purely the exploration aspect, going where you haven't been before and seeing what sights they've laid out for the few who manage to find them. Then there's also things like world events and other story events, like you were talking about.

It's just that I feel that if I'm going to play online at something, then either a)I'd need to do it regularly with the same group of people (which is hard enough a lot of the time), or b) the gameplay needs to be simple and punchy, like an FPS.

I've also been a big time fan of RTS's admittedly, but even then you could usually wrap up even a heavy game of TA (for example) within a couple of hours and feel that it was intense the whole way through.

I think it would largely depend on the combat dynamic of the MMO game. From what I've seen of WoW, it's just long stretches of slicing things, no real variation, and no change of pace (that's one thing I feel is key to making a decent gameplay experience, pacing the gameplay). Still, games like Planetside might've interested me I suppose, but then again there's still that whole time constraint thing.

I guess in the end what you play is largely dictated by what you feel you're capable of playing. :p

EDIT: BTW, what books do you guys do for English lit? When I did it it was MacBeth and Animal farm. Macbeth I hated with a passion, but Animal Farm I feel I'd genuinely like if I read it now, outside of the joy sapping environment of a classroom.

I started off gaming (as far as i can remember and except the childs games i played when i was 5 or so lol), when i got my new computer, which must have been about 5 years ago now, shock horror! The first online game i played was Halo!!! (i used to play a lot of console games, and still do sometimes) I played halo for a while, got in a clan! Which is kind of what i'm replying about, because you said it's hard to be with the same group of people while playing a game... that's not really true if you become good enough at the game and get into a clan... I stopped playing halo for about a year i think, then i went back to it majorly and got into it again and now i'm in one of the top clans... i quit it though to move onto MMO's now ^^, i've spent enough time on FPS's.

Also, i bought Battlefield Vietnam because my first halo clan moved onto it... i didn't like it much though... it was alright but with 5 min loading times no jokes), it got to the point of stupidity, and besides it was not that fun anyway, apart from learning to fly, which took ages...

I've played tons of other FPS's, but i can never stop playing halo, it's so addictive, even when i've played the same map, literally 500-1000 times lol.

So yeah now i'm moving onto MMORPG's full time... and i just checked that guy who i said had 1000+ hours of Final Fantasy XI, and it seems he's got more than 4500 ! No joking, if anyone has xfire i'll tell you his name on it lol.

On the note of xfire though... surely someone has it here o_O, it's only the most needed application for gaming >.>

And finally, on the note of English Literature... I studied Of Mice And Men (which i thought was so boring i would rather cut my garden lawn with scissors than study it... but about a week before the exam and with the help of CGP books (lol), it's actually really good). I also studied An Inspector Calls, which i found to be very good too (same as the situation with Of Mice And Men really...).
Thankfully however, i will NEVER HAVE TO DO ENLGLISH LITERATURE EVER AGAIN!!! *celebrate!* Oh and War Poems was the other thing we had to study, post 1918 i think...

It's strange that you said Macbeth and Animal Farm... because there is an option to do Macbeth still, but no Animal Farm as far as i'm aware... i did do Animal Farm though when i did Common Entrance (before GCSE's).
Gallus Glee said:
I'd steer clear of Runescape, I've literally just handed back my player-modship and cancelled my subscription. I've played it for about three and a half years and quit several times due to one thing or another.

There's just been a major bug (related to the new 'skill' construction) which has enabled some players to attack other players in non-PVP areas and take their rare items. The game company's response? Blanket-ban all discussion of it and lock-down. Pfft, they can keep it, I'm disgusted with their attitude.

Couple that with dodgy updates splurging out at a rate of knots, a 'community' you wouldn't entrust with a pet flea and a real problem with the grinding needed to level.. it's just baaad.

Kingdom of Loathing and Urban Dead, on the other hand, now they're not MMORPGs per se, but they're online, browser based and multi-player and they're... *gasp* fun to play! :D They also only take minutes per day to use your turn, ideal for a quick-fix or the more casual gamer.

With Runescape... i started to play it once, i got past the tutorial but then i just stopped... it's so boring lol, the graphics can hardly be called graphics and the gameplay system is just rubbish... those spells didn't even work most of the time, and i think the PVP system was poo, i got killed once without even knowing i was being attacked, i don't think i was in a PVP area, not that i would know anything about it because i hardly played it >.>

Something i doubt i'll ever go back to... although the newer version i played (i tried it twice), was better i though... I don't know though, have to see ^^
I ordered Guild Wars from game on Saturday so that should arrive anytime soon. I got the collectors edition for £10 and can't wait to play it. Anyone else play this game?
DaNiMé said:
I started off gaming (as far as i can remember and except the childs games i played when i was 5 or so lol), when i got my new computer, which must have been about 5 years ago now, shock horror! The first online game i played was Halo!!! (i used to play a lot of console games, and still do sometimes) I played halo for a while, got in a clan! Which is kind of what i'm replying about, because you said it's hard to be with the same group of people while playing a game... that's not really true if you become good enough at the game and get into a clan... I stopped playing halo for about a year i think, then i went back to it majorly and got into it again and now i'm in one of the top clans... i quit it though to move onto MMO's now ^^, i've spent enough time on FPS's.

Also, i bought Battlefield Vietnam because my first halo clan moved onto it... i didn't like it much though... it was alright but with 5 min loading times no jokes), it got to the point of stupidity, and besides it was not that fun anyway, apart from learning to fly, which took ages...

I've played tons of other FPS's, but i can never stop playing halo, it's so addictive, even when i've played the same map, literally 500-1000 times lol.

So yeah now i'm moving onto MMORPG's full time... and i just checked that guy who i said had 1000+ hours of Final Fantasy XI, and it seems he's got more than 4500 ! No joking, if anyone has xfire i'll tell you his name on it lol.

On the note of xfire though... surely someone has it here o_O, it's only the most needed application for gaming >.>

I can't really get into Clan gaming either, it's the whole time-contraint thing again. Personally, I'm not interested in training myself up to be an uber awesome player, I just want to have fun playing the game. I'm about average, maybe slightly above average but not much, so I can have fun playing a team based FPS.

And finally, on the note of English Literature... I studied Of Mice And Men (which i thought was so boring i would rather cut my garden lawn with scissors than study it... but about a week before the exam and with the help of CGP books (lol), it's actually really good). I also studied An Inspector Calls, which i found to be very good too (same as the situation with Of Mice And Men really...).
Thankfully however, i will NEVER HAVE TO DO ENLGLISH LITERATURE EVER AGAIN!!! *celebrate!* Oh and War Poems was the other thing we had to study, post 1918 i think...

It's strange that you said Macbeth and Animal Farm... because there is an option to do Macbeth still, but no Animal Farm as far as i'm aware... i did do Animal Farm though when i did Common Entrance (before GCSE's).

Yeah An Inspector Calls, I remember doing that as well. AND the poetry (never really a popular subject with me).