Midlands expo 2009


Dandy Guy, in Space
what you cosplaying as at the telford expo this month, me and a group of mates are going as turks and my mate has even agreed to wear the white suite for rufus lol. then the rest of us are goin as turks, but as ourselves if you know what i mean, im doin name cards (or passes), so shud be good.
so let me know who ur goin as. not long now yay. :D
wiked, i cant wait, the day is gettin closer, i just cant wait to get friends together and hav a good time, i hope the tokyo toys guy is there again, he was sweet. :oops: heehee
My first Expo I've been too, it was cool.. even though I spend the entire day dragging my hungover friend around when he didn't really have much interest at all.. Lots of stuff to buy though and the cosplay was great.