Massive Schedule update: Including 2 Brand New UK Titles

Lupus said:
I mentioned OneChanBara was getting released a few months back, no one cared. lol.
CBA to look for your original post, but maybe you forgot to add videos and explain it's about girls in bikinis kicking zombie ass =P
Well I did mention it in the gaming section (Which isn't very active) and said I was playing the game and on the back of the four/five page instruction booklet it was advertising the movie with the Manga Ent. logo on it. It was like in Febuary, no big deal, but since it's quite a cult game amongst anime fans I thought someone would've noticed.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Just Passing Through said:
Will Shigurui make it through the BBFC without getting sliced?
I should think so. The BBFC aren't quite so squeamish these days. Assuming it does get through unscathed it's great news, since I was considering paying a lot more to import it.
In case anyone was waiting on it, conformation that Shigurui been passed uncut by the BBFC:

Episodes 1-6
Episodes 7-12
Chrono Mizaki said:

The Death Note boxset... looks like the GITS: SAC box I have. I wonder if I Should buy it or just collect the remaining 3 volumes.

Shigurui, I'm interested in. But I might pass.

Silly person who pays more for cardboard =/