MangaUK confirm Strike witches uncut

i agree with ayase
but some people aren't educated about this kinda thing in the west.
look at japan they had ping pong club and that was for kids and may i might add very funny.
Lawrence said:
JohnC is right though, there isn't enough hours in the day to screen what children watch but most parents seem to have a fair idea.
Hell if you go to your local HMV during holiday time or saturday afternoon, I almost guarantee that some parent will be in there buying '18' rated games or DVDs for a young child.
I think people misunderstand my use of phrase "taking responsibility". I don't mean that every parent should be rigourously screening their children's viewing habits (or taking time out from their oh so busy schedules to do something like spending time with their children). I mean that if you aren't going to care about what your kids watch or do, you shouldn't be surprised at the consequences, nor should you be able to blame "society" for anything they are exposed to. It isn't the job of anyone but a child's parent or guardian to look after that child. My parents were fairly liberal but they also spent a lot of time with me (we'd watch Red Dwarf when I was about 7 because they knew it was just harmless fun). It's not about censoring and forbidding things, it's about being aware and understanding and making sure your kids are aware and understand as well.
ayase said:
Lawrence said:
animefreak17 said:
JohnC is right though, there isn't enough hours in the day to screen what children watch but most parents seem to have a fair idea.
Hell if you go to your local HMV during holiday time or saturday afternoon, I almost guarantee that some parent will be in there buying '18' rated games or DVDs for a young child.
I think people misunderstand my use of phrase "taking responsibility". I don't mean that every parent should be rigourously screening their children's viewing habits (or taking time out from their oh so busy schedules to do something like spending time with their children). I mean that if you aren't going to care about what your kids watch or do, you shouldn't be surprised at the consequences, nor should you be able to blame "society" for anything they are exposed to. It isn't the job of anyone but a child's parent or guardian to look after that child. My parents were fairly liberal but they also spent a lot of time with me (we'd watch Red Dwarf when I was about 7 because they knew it was just harmless fun). It's not about censoring and forbidding things, it's about being aware and understanding and making sure your kids are aware and understand as well.

Yes but too many parents don't seem to want to take responsiblity - it's a whole lot easier to blame someone/something else when things go wrong.
well if we look at it this way
anime comes from japan and in japan nudity in anime has been around for along time and are used to it.
but in the west all parents think all cartoons are for kids and they dont understand where, how and what anime is. people who dont understand try to erase or complain about it. parents should be educated instead of rubbing things off by saying its wrong and the hate it.

once people accept something they dont hate it has much
animefreak17 said:
well if we look at it this way
anime comes from japan and in japan nudity in anime has been around for along time and are used to it.
but in the west all parents think all cartoons are for kids and they dont understand where, how and what anime is. people who dont understand try to erase or complain about it. parents should be educated instead of rubbing things off by saying its wrong and the hate it.

once people accept something they dont hate it has much
1 - That's a generalization.

2 - Stuff like Family Guy, South Park etc have been round for at least a decade now. People who think like that are a very small minority.
mangaman74 said:
Yes but too many parents don't seem to want to take responsiblity - it's a whole lot easier to blame someone/something else when things go wrong.
And? Is that my problem? Is that the rest of society's problem? No. That's their problem. Let them blame, if they want to delude themselves. It's not like they ever actually *do* anything about it. The answer to people not taking responsibily for their actions is not to take that responsibility away from them because they "can't be trusted" with it, or because they bitch and moan until someone else takes on the responsibility for them. It's to charge them with that responsibility whether they like it or not. ... fanservice

I do love how Manga UK completely slates its upcoming shows, calling Strike Witches and Vampire Bund "'graveyard shift programming' in Japan that pulled very low TV ratings". Although it's comment from that guy in Gonzo was hilarious. don't admit that the shows you're releasing soon had low ratings...that's like screaming out "It's crap!".
Ryu Shoji said:

I do love how Manga UK completely slates its upcoming shows, calling Strike Witches and Vampire Bund "'graveyard shift programming' in Japan that pulled very low TV ratings". Although it's comment from that guy in Gonzo was hilarious. don't admit that the shows you're releasing soon had low ratings...that's like screaming out "It's crap!".
He callled all late night anime that, which it is. How is 1-4AM (when anime airs) not graveyard shift.

Someone said anime was aimed at teenagers, which is bullcrap, most is animed at 30something year old otaku.

Anime goes by BD sales, not TV ratings, except for the kids shows.
Yeah but even if it is, if you want something to sell, you don't point out the low ratings - you don't even mention the negative stuff.
It's reverse psychology. No 'integrated member of society' can be seen to be enthusiastic about animated T & A... it's unhealthy. The sort of thing that would get disparaging column inches in the News of the World, I mean The Sun on Sunday.

So you have to be seen to be adult about it, bemoan the state of the industry. Oh how terrible that these maladjusted individuals who cannot possible have healthy human relationships have to rely on this sort of thing to get their rocks off.

But the point is that by doing so, they are getting the info out there that HSOTD and it's ilk are loaded with fanservice. That's the message that gets through to the fans, job done, and as has been said on occasion, no such thing as bad publicity.
I like how they seem to think fanservice for females doesn't happen, yet they have Black Butler, which moved even me and I hate butlers. It all seems a very oddly male-orientated stance for him to take given their choices in licenses for both genders in the past. o_O

And mecha (etc) fanservice does exist! I guess it is titillating though. For some of us.

Just Passing Through said:
It's reverse psychology. No 'integrated member of society' can be seen to be enthusiastic about animated T & A... it's unhealthy. The sort of thing that would get disparaging column inches in the News of the World, I mean The Sun on Sunday.

So you have to be seen to be adult about it, bemoan the state of the industry. Oh how terrible that these maladjusted individuals who cannot possible have healthy human relationships have to rely on this sort of thing to get their rocks off.

But the point is that by doing so, they are getting the info out there that HSOTD and it's ilk are loaded with fanservice. That's the message that gets through to the fans, job done, and as has been said on occasion, no such thing as bad publicity.
*sits pondering your post*
I it makes sense. Still, mentioning ratings?
So many of the posts in this thread are incredibly hard to follow... did we all come to the conclusion that the concept of the content cut from Code Geass somehow facilitating pedophiles is one of the most ludicrous things I've read in years? If so, good.

Ryu Shoji said:
wjw, Manga. wjw.