Manga's Bleach, any Dubtitles?


Completely Average High School Student
I know that the second series of Naruto by them uses Dubtitles for whatever silly reason which makes me wanna opt to collect the Region 1 sets instead, however for Bleach i'd rather go with the UK box set but do you guys know of any Dubtitles present on this series?. Thanks :).
animefreak17 said:
what are Dubtitles anyways

It's where the subtitles are the script from the dub, rather than the translation of the Japanese script.

They're different because sometimes dubs need to change words round to fit the mouth movements.

For example, if "Someone stole my wallet!" was too long, you could change it to "My wallet was stolen!".

It means the same thing, but it's not exactly what's said in the Japanese script, so some people don't like it.
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
what are Dubtitles anyways

It's where the subtitles are the script from the dub, rather than the translation of the Japanese script.

They're different because sometimes dubs need to change words round to fit the mouth movements.

For example, if "Someone stole my wallet!" was too long, you could change it to "My wallet was stolen!".

It means the same thing, but it's not exactly what's said in the Japanese script, so some people don't like it.
nope that wouldn't count.
the "it's over 9000" line would, as it's 8000.
Or the studio ghibli dubs that add extra lines that aren't there in Japanese at all.
Phaded said:
I know that the second series of Naruto by them uses Dubtitles for whatever silly reason which makes me wanna opt to collect the Region 1 sets instead, however for Bleach i'd rather go with the UK box set but do you guys know of any Dubtitles present on this series?. Thanks :).
There are no dubtitles on any Manga Bleach release. I have all of them. (Even the HMV sampler xD)
Conversely, series 1 has a problem that it's not subtitled enough -- Manga used Japanese video for the episodes instead of the repainted English video, so any text signs which the US dub edited into English ends up left unsubbed in plain Japanese. Mostly only affects things like house and shop names though, so not too important.
nanika said:
Phaded said:
I know that the second series of Naruto by them uses Dubtitles for whatever silly reason which makes me wanna opt to collect the Region 1 sets instead, however for Bleach i'd rather go with the UK box set but do you guys know of any Dubtitles present on this series?. Thanks :).
There are no dubtitles on any Manga Bleach release. I have all of them. (Even the HMV sampler xD)
Conversely, series 1 has a problem that it's not subtitled enough -- Manga used Japanese video for the episodes instead of the repainted English video, so any text signs which the US dub edited into English ends up left unsubbed in plain Japanese. Mostly only affects things like house and shop names though, so not too important.

Ah that's great news thanks :)

With Dubtitles i also sometimes find they appear on screen when nobody's talking too which is annoying, i just prefer it have subs, maybe i'm nitpicking?.

Thanks everyone anyway :)