Just listened to both this and the Kanzenshu (Daisenshu Ex) podcast appearances and it strikes me that Jerome wants it both ways; he wants to be viewed as poor me small time anime company who's five pounds away from bankruptcy at any moment and then as one of the big boys who without them, we'd never knew there was a Japan for there for anime to come out from.
He's going to have to pick one and stay with it.
Also; his fact checking is atrocious. Dragonball NEVER aired on ITV and Naruto's run on Jetix was something closer to 52, if not 75, episodes)
His excuse about his behaviour on Twitter (Oh, we have to have EMOTIONS and not be ROBOMEN FORM MARZ) was a crock too. You can market using those methods, but calling your fan base idiots at every turn is not professional behaviour and, frankly, I'm amazed he's had that potion for as long as he has.
As far as I'm concenred with DBZ, it needs to ether be on TV or though an easy to obtain streaming method for it to get off the ground and Manga has rested on it's STARZ connection, the same one that took Gurren Lagann and not only gave it a US Release after a year of ADV screwing around but a TV Deal on top of that, for far too long. There's not a channel for Teenagers? Do something about it, you lazy goits. Put up or Shut up.