I accept that Love Hina is more over the top than MI. I accept that Kyoko is a more mature character than Naru. I accept that Love Hina is far more perverted than MI (though there are a few examples of Godai walking in on a naked Kyoko and breasts in even MI).
However, I won't accept that the titles are different when it's obvious to all with eyes that Love Hina copied from MI, has the some boarding house setting and also is about a college loser getting the woman of his dreams. Even a number of the supporting cast are similar. I don't want to be a **** because I like you (and you have more dirt on me than is good) but you're being a bit of an idiot if you can't accept that they're very, very similar.
I like MI. I also like Love Hina more because it's... tightly woven compared to MI, which wondered aimlessly at times. Even Love Hina has a point where it all becomes a bit pointless and drags, but the focus on the college side and it connecting Keitaro and Naru allowed for a much more... natural progression; both being college students trying to get through college. There wasn't that link between Godai and Kyoko, Kyoko being older and more experienced.
Can't we just, y'know, agree to disagree about Love Hina being slightly better? I really don't care if you fap over Kyoko's nipples or not, just like you don't care that I've fapped over a NaruxMutsumi doujin. It's all good.
You're a dick for bringing up Love Hina and ruining my perfect topic, btw. It's all your fault, with you fanboyistic (/new word) ways.
Also, Death Note wouldn't have even had anywhere to go without L. Like MI needed Godai and Kyoko as a base to work with, Death Note needed Kira and L to work - a hunter and the hunted. They closed in on each other fast, without any filler. There's a difference between mere plot devices designed to extend a story and the vital aspect that a story needs to get going.
However, I won't accept that the titles are different when it's obvious to all with eyes that Love Hina copied from MI, has the some boarding house setting and also is about a college loser getting the woman of his dreams. Even a number of the supporting cast are similar. I don't want to be a **** because I like you (and you have more dirt on me than is good) but you're being a bit of an idiot if you can't accept that they're very, very similar.
I like MI. I also like Love Hina more because it's... tightly woven compared to MI, which wondered aimlessly at times. Even Love Hina has a point where it all becomes a bit pointless and drags, but the focus on the college side and it connecting Keitaro and Naru allowed for a much more... natural progression; both being college students trying to get through college. There wasn't that link between Godai and Kyoko, Kyoko being older and more experienced.
Can't we just, y'know, agree to disagree about Love Hina being slightly better? I really don't care if you fap over Kyoko's nipples or not, just like you don't care that I've fapped over a NaruxMutsumi doujin. It's all good.
You're a dick for bringing up Love Hina and ruining my perfect topic, btw. It's all your fault, with you fanboyistic (/new word) ways.
Also, Death Note wouldn't have even had anywhere to go without L. Like MI needed Godai and Kyoko as a base to work with, Death Note needed Kira and L to work - a hunter and the hunted. They closed in on each other fast, without any filler. There's a difference between mere plot devices designed to extend a story and the vital aspect that a story needs to get going.