Pokémon Master're telling me it's an anime?Why are people excited about this? isnt it aimed aimed 10 year olds?'re telling me it's an anime?Why are people excited about this? isnt it aimed aimed 10 year olds?
Iirc, wasn't the opening used for our airing, quickly adopted by the US one?I absolutely love Yo-Kai Watch. So much fun.
A PAL DVD (presumably with the UK opening) doesn't really excite me very much though...I'd rather just hold out for a US release.
The last I heard, the US theme seemed to be just picked out at random from episode to episode (by a coin flip or something).Iirc, wasn't the opening used for our airing, quickly adopted by the US one?
I haven't seen the original, but had it just been a pure dub with alternate credits, I suspect maybe some European broadcasters would have tried. However, the UK broadcasters would still probably have edited things.Fair enough, I was wrong. I would've expected a 4Kids-esque situation. Though if they hadn't made the changes would they have got broadcast?
I was refering to CN's airing which removed whole chunks of bits (this was back when they drew some real ire for nixing parts of Steven Universe for daring to suggest Rose x Pearl) and have made a habbit of making Y7 overdubs of some of their PG shows like Regualr Show and Adventure Time.A Japanese company dubbed this. This isn't the West hiding it's Japanese-ness, this is Dentsu (and Hasbro) doing what they deem necessary for commercial success. I don't think the racial angle here is as relevant as it might otherwise be.
I was refering to CN's airing which removed whole chunks of bits (this was back when they drew some real ire for nixing parts of Steven Universe for daring to suggest Rose x Pearl) and have made a habbit of making Y7 overdubs of some of their PG shows like Regualr Show and Adventure Time.
In a similar vein to Pokémon, the more marketable mascots retain their original names (e.g. Pikachu for Pokémon, Jibanyan for Yo-Kai Watch), while the vast majority have localised names (e.g. "Jinmenken" becomes "Manjimutt", "Fubuki-hime" became "Blizzaria" etc).I haven't seen the dub at all but I was at least pleasantly surprised to see that (I think?) most of the youkai names stayed intact, as when things are completely westernised it spoils a lot of the flavour the show originally had. Kids are way better with foreign names and cultural references than adults anyway since everything is new to them and Japanese companies tend to be even more paranoid that their culture is hard to understand than local distributors.
Even if this set is a non-starter for me personally I'm happy the show is getting a release. I would be much happier if an unedited version was coming but I'm still waiting on Pokémon there too.
Yeah. It will be interesting if Manga UK use the US broadcast materials, or UK. I just asked them on Twitter and their reply was basically "No news yet!". For reference, here's an excerpt from my episodes 1-6 review, noting some of the UK-exclusive changes:Hold on didn't this show get utterly kicked in the teeth for its' UK airing? Like entire scenes lost their context and all?
Not everything made it to the United Kingdom intact though. On top of changes observed with the North American broadcast last year, Cartoon Network's airing of the series here has led to more alterations, with the most notable so far being 40-seconds of footage being cut from the second episode. This largely relates to a scenario where Katie catches Nate just as he's walking out of the boy's toilets and is manipulated by a Yo-Kai into telling the entire class, resulting in Nate's friends ribbing him about being caught by his crush of all people. Considering that the closest these scenes get to rude words are the use of “big stinky poop” and “defecating”, I honestly find their removal confusing considering how inoffensive they are. Another notable omission was a six-second shot in episode 3 showing Manjimutt, a Yo-Kai with a person's face and a toy poodle's body, urinating on a lamppost – which changes the implication of his arrest seconds later. These changes do little to affect the overall story and will no doubt pass under the radar of the series' target audience, but are disappointing for older fans like myself – despite my personal dislike of toilet humour.
It's Kaze, so you'll probably not get an answer until you provide it yourself with review discs in hand.I just asked them on Twitter and their reply was basically "No news yet!".
Considering that it's Kaze, I expect we'll get the US broadcast version then.It's Kaze, so you'll probably not get an answer until you provide it yourself with review discs in hand.
Personally, I'm praying for the French broadcast version. It cannot be as bad as the English version.Considering that it's Kaze, I expect we'll get the US broadcast version then.
Personally, I'm praying for the French broadcast version. It cannot be as bad as the English version.
Not that I doubt you but is there anywhere that Ofcom actauly says that?I know, I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to KingJimmeh's post directly above mine.
But you can blame Ofcom for that. Everything that airs on CN has to be U rated.
Not that I doubt you but is there anywhere that Ofcom actauly says that?