Manga Twittering about Haruhi S2!

Just Passing Through said:
Haruhi isn't a title that you want to scrimp on. People buy it for the whole package, extras, packaging, pillowcases, the works. Could Manga do a luxury release?
But this is Series 2 we're talking about here... I think a budget boxed set release is the best chance it would have of selling here in the UK, TBH.

I bought the LE singles of Series 1, but I wouldn't buy any kind of singles of S2 in a million, billion years. At the right price, I would buy a series box.
ayase said:
I bought the LE singles of Series 1, but I wouldn't buy any kind of singles of S2 in a million, billion years. At the right price, I would buy a series box.

Agreed. Didn't buy the LEs last time, just the collected box set, but for me to buy season 2, it will have to be a decent bit cheaper than the normal 13 episode anime as I'll only be watching seven or so episodes.
Ryo Chan said:
Beez have sence it seems then

as much as i like Haruhi, i'm not touching S2 with a barge pole
This a million times.

Though if it's to get a shot at Dissapearance, then i'm begrudgingly not liking this move Manga's doing.
No matter what anyone says i still think Haruhi S2 was good. Sure they may have repeated the same ep 8 times but that is a minor detail if you look at the work and perfection gone in to each episode.
ayase said:
Just Passing Through said:
Haruhi isn't a title that you want to scrimp on. People buy it for the whole package, extras, packaging, pillowcases, the works. Could Manga do a luxury release?
But this is Series 2 we're talking about here... I think a budget boxed set release is the best chance it would have of selling here in the UK, TBH.
It sold in Japan, it will sell in the US, presuming that the first season sold well here (I have no idea if it did or not) I see no reason why that would be any different here.
Just Passing Through said:

What the... :eek:

This could be good (cheap) or bad (screwed up release)

Haruhi isn't a title that you want to scrimp on. People buy it for the whole package, extras, packaging, pillowcases, the works. Could Manga do a luxury release?

Just to clarify guys this is a case of Jerome gathering some market data first. He doesn't have the license yet as it's still being pitched to UK distributors :). When he says "Bandai aren't handling the rights" I assume he is under the mistaken impression that is how we got Season 1 from them when we actually bidded directly for it via the Japanese licensor.

Hope this makes more sense, as unless something has greatly changed in the last 3-4 days then it's not licensed of yet!
beez_andrew said:
Just Passing Through said:

What the... :eek:

This could be good (cheap) or bad (screwed up release)

Haruhi isn't a title that you want to scrimp on. People buy it for the whole package, extras, packaging, pillowcases, the works. Could Manga do a luxury release?

Just to clarify guys this is a case of Jerome gathering some market data first. He doesn't have the license yet as it's still being pitched to UK distributors :). When he says "Bandai aren't handling the rights" I assume he is under the mistaken impression that is how we got Season 1 from them when we actually bidded directly for it via the Japanese licensor.

Hope this makes more sense, as unless something has greatly changed in the last 3-4 days then it's not licensed of yet!

Cheers for the clarification...

Gone from muddy to just silty... :wink:
ilmaestro said:
ayase said:
But this is Series 2 we're talking about here... I think a budget boxed set release is the best chance it would have of selling here in the UK, TBH.
It sold in Japan, it will sell in the US, presuming that the first season sold well here (I have no idea if it did or not) I see no reason why that would be any different here.
With all due respect maestro, you have to recognise that you are in the 0.000001% of people who imported the blu-ray and liked Endless Eight. No amount of ribbons or pillows will make anyone else outside of Japan buy two single releases consisting of what is, essentially, the same episode. They have a way more advanced case of consumerism than we do.
personally, i say let Manga have their hands on S2, get the movie for Beez, and put their money on the K-on train

face it K-on is bigger than life
stuart-says-yes said:
I would rather see them pick up K-on as well because DVD's are 10x more reliable than the internet.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no seriously i laughed like that in real life when i read this. Why on earth would you think such a thing?
stuart-says-yes said:
Well hhmm lets think.

1. you don't need internet access to watch them
2. Buying the DVD's support the industry
3. DVD's do not require buffering they almost play instantly
4. you can watch it as many times as you want with out having to open up an new page and wait for the video to buffer
5. DVD do not pause and buffer if you skip forward or backward in the video

1. Fair point.
2. Also a fair point, but it hurts my pockets that way and i need to wait longer!
3. If you have a decent connection they will buffer and play instantly, or if you download they buff/play instantly.
4. Read 3.
5. Read 3.
If there was a limited edition release including both seasons 1 & 2 then I'd be tempted as I currently don't own the first season.
ayase said:
ilmaestro said:
ayase said:
But this is Series 2 we're talking about here... I think a budget boxed set release is the best chance it would have of selling here in the UK, TBH.
It sold in Japan, it will sell in the US, presuming that the first season sold well here (I have no idea if it did or not) I see no reason why that would be any different here.
With all due respect maestro, you have to recognise that you are in the 0.000001% of people who imported the blu-ray and liked Endless Eight. No amount of ribbons or pillows will make anyone else outside of Japan buy two single releases consisting of what is, essentially, the same episode. They have a way more advanced case of consumerism than we do.
I'm just going by the figures for Japan. Everyone said the series would bomb - it did 10k+ sales per volume, which is very high, albeit not the same level as the first series.

The Yanks *will* buy it. People can piss and moan, but as long as it's released in a sensible manner, it's still Haruhi, and fans will still buy it. There are far more forum posts along the lines of "yay" than "nay" from what I've seen, and your "average" consumer (if there is an average consumer who would buy Haruhi) is never as affected by internet drama as people would like to think anyway.

Plus the fact that the number of people who dislike EE isn't the same proportion of total Haruhi fans as the really loud moaners would have you believe - people who have nothing positive to say are always the loudest forum posters on any subject, not usually representative of the whole.

If the series *doesn't* sell here, it will be because we are now once again caught behind the US in terms of being stuck with some series being release as singles, when you pretty much only get season or half season sets now in America, not because of opposition to EE in particular, imo.
In short, all anime fan is te h dumb and we deserve every bad thing that happens to us. Because if [us/uk show] pulled this nonsense off, they'd be nuked from five paces. Not Japan though. NIPPON BANZAI!

No, wait, sorry, they just used to make good cartoons and comics and I'm beginning to lose faith in their ability to do that and the ability of the fans to call them out on it.