Manga Twittering about Haruhi S2!

stuart-says-yes said:
But If you Illegally download media you can and will be prosecuted also
DVD's can be fun to collect and theres something more relaxing about watching TV than watching your computer

if you read the laws properly, importing from another country is against the law too ;)

and yeah, prosecuted, like that's ever gonna happen. They'll just sign you up for the next middle east country we invade
I know no better, but I swear a lot of what is getting spurted out in this thread is complete myth. I'm going to continue with the other part that usually goes along with that - your fine doing all that downloading, just as long as you don't sell it.
Er... its more than likely real and they just wanted to get it out of their hands. Why can't you just check on Play, Amazon and places to see if the artwork etc is the same? If it is, your good. Also, there shouldn't be more than four episodes on a single disc, if there's more (like an entire series), its fake.

Also, what did the disc itself play like? Like an MVM disc?
Conan-san said:
In short, all anime fan is te h dumb and we deserve every bad thing that happens to us. Because if [us/uk show] pulled this nonsense off, they'd be nuked from five paces. Not Japan though. NIPPON BANZAI!

No, wait, sorry, they just used to make good cartoons and comics and I'm beginning to lose faith in their ability to do that and the ability of the fans to call them out on it.

The thing is with Japan still being a pretty closed society the only complaints they will be interested in is those of Japanese fans. They still don't realise how many fans live outside of Japan and what that could be worth money wise to them if they were to listen once in a while.

As for Haruhi I will be buying region 1 as usual, but if there are no special editions I may not rush to buy.